Sleep Situation

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A week had gone by since Amelia had received her bionics, her knowledge for her abilities had grown a considerable amount and she was beginning to control them with ease. At least that's what she thought.

It was a Sunday morning and Amleia was just getting out of bed when he brother stormer into her room. "when we're you going to tell me??!?" wyatt shouted. Amelia was dazed and confused at her brother, she began to worry he knew about her bionics, but how could that be? She never used them at her house, she was too afraid to as her parents would never understand.

" tell you what, wy?"

" your boyfriend is bionic!?"

"have you been living under a rock? It's been all over the news for a week."

"ive been doing 12 hour shifts and the last thing I want to do is watch the news when I get home."

"fair enough, well yeah, Chase and his siblings are bionic. Are.. Are you okay with that?"

"okay with that? That is awesome! Dam, you've got to get him to show me his abilities. What are his abilities?"

"super intelligence, molecular kinesis, small bits of levitation, uh super senses and probably some more stuff."

"oh that is so cool."

"I know, I uhm I help out on missions sometimes too, I help design suits and inventions as well."

"dam, that is awesome, and I stuck recycling rubbish all day."

"yeah..." amelia felt awkward having this conversation, she could normally tell her brother anything but this secret she was holding was too large for her to tell.

"wait they didn't put bionics in you, right?"

"ugh no, why'd you ask?"

"just making sure they're not implanting my little sister with foreign objects."

"gross. You disgust me, now get out of my room so I can change."

"fine, fine. Say hello to your bionic boyfriend for me." wyatt walked out of the room, purposely leaving the door open."

"i won't!" Amelia yelled, slamming the door. But as she held onto the door it turned black at her finger tips, she pulled her hand away quickly and examined it. Black smoak danced around her fingers and palm, the swirling shadow encased her hand and was making its way up her arm.

Amelia began to panic, she didn't know what was happening, quickly she threw on some clothes and closed her eyes. She knew shadow travelling wasn't the best idea when she was losing all control but she had to get to Chase, quick.
She fell into the cold floor of the lab, her side was beginning to ache, when she lifted up her top she could see the scarring getting worse. Her bionics were glitch ing. She looked around and saw there was no one. The searing pain that started to radiate from her side made her knees buckle and the dark shadow had swallowed half of her body and the other half kept shifting between different camouflage types, sometimes making half of invisible and other times making her body a completely different surrounding.
She looked around once more, still no one there to help, Amelia cried out for chase, then for Douglas and Leo and everyone else in the family until she had one last name left.

"Eddy!" she cried, there was silence. She was about give up all hope when a familiar high pitched, annoying, voice erupted Amelia's ears.

"whhhaaattt. I can't hear myself think. Wow, you just look terrible."

"get, get c-c-chase."


"Ed-eddy, pal-please."

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