And then there were four

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The mentors were in their room, Chase and Bree were sat on the sofa flicking through their devices whilst Leo and Adam played a mini game.  Donald walked in declaring good news, "i am totally free this weekend.  No meetings, no conferences.  Just two fun filled days with me."

"So, no conferences at all? You know if we looked really hard, i bet we could find you one." Bree insinuated.

"Are you saying you don't want to hang out with me?"

"Well, if she's not. I am." Adam raised his hand.

"All right, what about you Leo?"

"Uh, Big D., I'd love to, but i just really don't want to."

"Don't worry Mr Davenport I'll hang out with you."

"Will Amelia be there?"

"Oh, uh. I don't actually know. She's going through a lot since the incident and i don't want to push her too much into social interaction and-"

The Door opened, revealing Amelia and Douglas.  Amelia had bags under her eyes and her left hand held her elbow in comfort. Douglas next to her looked like he had seen a ghost. He shakily held a phone in his hand as he tried to grasp what he had just found out.  He had been walking in the common area when he got the phone call, from across the room amelia had seen his face drop and immediately knew something was up. She had walked over to him and he told her what he just found out, Amelia was shocked but not that surprised. She urged him to talk to his brother. If anyone old help it was him. Amelia and Douglas had made it to the door of the mentors room when she suddenly come to the realisation that she hadn't seen any of them except from Chase in a while.  This wasn't the best of circumstances but she knew she needed to be there.

"Hey Douglas. What's wrong with you?" Donald asked, clearly noticing that his brother was in distress.

Douglas' voice was shaky as he breathed out the words, "i just got a call from Daniel."

"Who's Daniel?" Bree questioned.

"Your brother." The four of them looked at each other in confusion and shock what did he mean their brother?

"We have another brother?!?" Chase confronted Douglas who was now sat on the sofa, still in shock.  Amelia had made her way next to chase, she didn't know what help she could really be in this situation but she did know that whatever he was feeling she needed to be there for him. Like he was for her.

"I never told anyone, but... I actually created four bionic super humans. Adam, bree, Chase and Daniel."

"What is with you naming your kids in alphabetical order!" Leo quirked.

"Dude, i though the same thing!" Amelia said, sounding the most thrilled she had been in weeks.

"It's better than their original names.  Big boy, little boy and not a boy."

"Another brother. Well, would it kill you to throw some lip gloss and long hair into one of your test tubes?"

"I c an't believe you never told me. Out of all the rotten things you've done, this has got to be the worst." Donald stated.

"I had to keep it a secret so Daniel would be safe.  He was just a baby the day you stole these guys from me." The brothers bickered between whether the bionic three were rescued or stolen.

"Okay, we get it you're both terrible people. Get to the point."

"After Donny ratted me out, i knew I'd be on the run, so i found a nice family for Daniel who where looking to adopt. That way he could live a nice normal life away from all of my chaos."

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