Risoe of the secret soldiers part 2

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"Donny get in here quick!" Douglas called to his brother who was walking into the lab with Leo and Amelia. When Donald looked around he saw that on the screen the President was waiting angrily.

"Mr. President."

"He said he's only talk to you, apparently I'm only the help."

"Thank you Douglas, that will be all." Leo waved Douglas away.

"Davenport, a high-security military base was breached, and communications equipment was stolen."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Sir. Do you need some of my tracking technology?"

"No, i need Adam, Bree and Chase."

"Well, with all due respect, sir, they dissolved the team."

"Look, our national safety is far more important than a squabble between besties. The Vice-president and I are going through that right now. Drama! Phew."

"I'll go."

"What? Amelia you can't go by yourself." Donald argued.

"Mr President, send me the information and ill get on it right away."

"Thank you Amelia."

And with that the President turned off his camera leaving the three of them to debate this sudden act of heroism.

"Amelia please don't do this by yourself."

"Ill go with her big D."

"No you will not, id rather her go alone than with you."

Leo looked insulted at this, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to.

"Im going, meet me upstairs, I'm going to suit up."

Donald walked upstairs and the rest of the bionic children entered seconds after, after receiving a text from Donald telling them there was an urgency. "The president called, there's an emergency and he needs you."

"But we told him we quit." Bree said.

"Yeah, we don't even want to talk to each other. Why would we want to work together?" Chase questioned.

"Yeah! And I'm not agreeing with him, I'm just emphasising his point." Adam argued.

"Look, I'm getting tired of your selfish attitudes. It is your duty to compete this mission."

"No. It was our duty. But then people started protesting against us on our own front lawn. Maybe the world needs to get a taste of what it is like without us." Chase fought against the idea of getting back together with all his might which made it near enough impossible for Donald to argue.

Amelia then walked into the living room, she was fixing the strap on her mission bag and tried to prep herself for the mission ahead. "Okay, I'll see you guys later, im going to complete this mission."

"Amelia?" Chase looked at his girlfriend and was almost speechless when he saw her - and not just because she looked amazing in her mission suit. "What are you doing?"

"What i just said, completing the mission."

"Amelia you don't have enough experience for this, plus no back up if something goes wrong. This is an idiotic decision."

"Chase, literally nothing you can say is going to make me backdown from this. Now i would like your support seen as the only reason i have to do this alone is because i had to step up when you guys are being to stubborn to work together. Now i am about to walk out that door this is your last chance to join me, as a team. Plus all I'm doing is collecting more information. "

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