That dark room.

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Amelia staggered out of her capsule in the student dorm like she did everyday, she yawned and her eye's stung, she hadn't slept in a weak because of those goddam sleep tubes. She was never created to be bionic, she wasn't able to make her body sleep standing up, most days she curled her body up on the floor of the capsule and tried to sleep that way but the floor was too small and hard for her to get a decent night sleep.
Amelia made her way through the corridors, when she got to the end of the main hallway she had two choices, left or right. Usually, she would go left, it was quick and efficient and took her straight to Chase but today she felt drawn to her other path.  Amelia started going down the right corridor, she wasn't certain that she knew what she was looking for; whether her body just wanted a change in scenery; or whether there was something more down this corridor for her.

Her body suddenly came to a holt, she tried to move further but something stopped her, and she could only bet it was her bionics.  She looked around her, a large cream door rose from the floor, there was no handle, no lock, no keypad, just a keyhole.  Amelia debated asking around for the key but what was the point when she could just shadow travel into the room?   So that's what she did.  When she entered the room it was in complete darkness, but that wasn't a bad thing. First of all, Amelia could see in the dark, and second of all, every since she received her bionics darkness seemed to sooth her, make her feel stronger and healthier.
Other than a single metal chair that stood in the middle of the room it was completely empty. So curious, how could she never have realised this was here before?

She shadow travelled straight downstairs where she found Douglas and Chase talking, "what's that room upstairs?" She frantically asked.

"Ames, you might have to be a bit more specific..." Chase said.

"There's a room upstairs that's completely in darkness, it has nothing in it but a single chair? Has that always been there?"

"Oh, that?  I created that when Donnie wanted me to be the head of technology. He dreamed it unusable because it was 'unethical' and ' tortuous', what a baby." Douglas explained.

"Can i have the room." Amelia came off pretty frantic, her breath was heavy and her eyes were wide.

"What's up? Why do you want that room so bad?" Chase questioned.

"I have dark bionics, that room called me, it's hard to explain, but i need it. Please."

"Oh, i don't know. I don't want any of the other students thinking you're being favourited by getting your own room."

"Douglas, please," amelia closed her eyes, she didn't tell anyone about her bad sleeping because she didn't want to be a hassle but Amelia was feeling so exhausted that she had to say something.  "I haven't slept properly since i got a capsule."

"What!?" Chase was startled and worried by this new information, he should have known something was up with her. How could he be so ignorant? He thought to himself. "You got a capsule months ago! How could you not tell me, you won't be as successful in your training if you don't get sufficient amount of sleep. Douglas give her the room, now."

"Okay, you can have the room, " douglas reached into his pocket and handed her the key to the room, "here, it's all yours."

"Thank you, Douglas!" Amelia gave douglas a big hug and  ran up to her new room.


Amelia spent the whole day doing up the room, there was a desk in the right hand corner that was accompanied by the metal chair that was in their before. Notice boards and picture decorated the dark walls and little fairy lights skipped between the pictures lightening up the most memorable ones.  But the one thing that really made her room feel like a bedroom again was the fact she had tipped her capsule on it's side so it was now laying horizontally. She could finally sleep the way she had always known to, plus she had shoved a duvet and a bunch of pillows inside for comfort, she couldn't wait to sleep in it.

Night fell and it was time for all the student's to sleep.  The one student who should be sleeping like a baby tossed and turned for hours trying to but had no luck.  Amelia's eyes opened wide  in frustration, "of course, just like me to not be able to sleep after all of this." She murdered to herself. Due to the sleepless nights her body wasn't able to shut it's self off to sleep. Amelia climbed out of bed and made her way to the training room, like she did most nights she couldn't sleep, it helped her get rid of any excess energy and helped her get further in her training.
Amelia stretched before she started to train, she flicked her hands out to the sides making shadows cascade around them before she strikes the practise dummies. Each one toppled over, one by one Amelia hit them perfectly.
Afterwards, amelia looked down at her hands on concentrated hard, she had been practising for months to not only control shadows but manipulate herself to make herself a shadow.  Her fingertips became Translucent as they became darkness, the darkness started to travel further down her arms, she had never been able to get this far before....

"What are you doing up?" Chase asked, startling Amelia and making her shadow cast disappear.

"I couldn't sleep, too many late nights have disturbed my sleep pattern."

"So you came down here to train?"

"Yeah, it's what I've been doing for the past couple of months when i can't sleep."

"No wonder you've been accelerating in your studies so much. What are you practising today?"

"For a while now I've been trying something out, instead of just controlling shadows and darkness, what if i can become it? Just now i was able to make my arms do it, i just need to practise to get further."

Chase stood closer to Amelia, interlocking his hand in hers, "then we better start practising."


"If you can do this I've got to help you."

Amelia smiled and for hours they practised with no extraordinary luck, "it's useless Chase i can't do it, it was just a stupid theory that has been proven wrong, it's too much for my body to take."

"No, Amelia you can do this, okay listen to my voice and breathe. You can do this."

Amelia closed her eyes, breathing deeply she listened to Chase's voice, her body was lifted up into the air.  Darkness started to surround her, she felt its cold bitter air touch her skin, it was sharp and soothing.   But then a peculiar feeling arose, she shadow that encased her became her. She could feel it's power raging inside of her,  it was exhilarating.  She opened her eyes and saw Chase, his jaw at the floor in wonder and shock  at what he was seeing, his girlfriend was now a shadow, he knew he's get slack about that from Adam next time he see's this.

Dropping to the floor, Amelia stood up, her skin returning back to normal, " i did it! I can't believe it, i did it. Thank you so much for helping!" Amelia cheered jumping into Chase's arms.

"You don't have to thank me, you know I'd do anything for you."

"And you know I'd do the same." Amelia pulled her face away from Chase's shoulder to look at his eyes, which started to wonder down to his lips. They both leaned in and started to kiss. Their lips moved perfectly together in a synchronised sequenced. Without hesitation Amelia shadow travelled into her new room with Chase still holding her, he looked around her room and smiled.

"I love what you've done with the place."

"Shut up." Amelia said before slamming her lips back onto Chase's.

Amelia and Chase spent the night together and the next morning they were snuggled into each other, finally sleeping peacefully.

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