Parallel Universe

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"Inventing the wheel? Boring. Discovering electricity? Snooze. Sliced bread?  Lame. But now Davenport industries introduces the worlds first proton fuser!" Mr Davenport jabbered as he walked into the Lab with his children and Amelia.

"You know for a scientist you'd think your payoffs would be a bit more proportional to your buildups." Leo commented, clearly unimpressed with the invention Mr Davenport had created.

"Well the payoffs is that it will allow us to see the origins of the universe. This thing fuses subatomic particles, so we can understand how planets form."

"Isn't this thing going to be highly dangerous though? I mean Physics isn't my best subject but i remember that stars normally form with nuclear fusion, like bombs and stuff. So that can't be safe to have just sitting around in the lab." Amelia questioned.

"Oh, you're absolutely right, this thing is highly dangerous, but I've always wanted to build one of these things. So i did. This is an important life lesson, if you have a dream go for it because you never know what could happen. And so what if it can technically destabilise the Earth, or open up a worm hole into a parallel universe? I made it and i want to play with it." Mr Davenport rushed over to his creation, it just looked like two circular based pyramids on poles that were social distancing. Which is all that happened from what they saw.
Tasha came down urging everyone to go upstairs, it was movie night and she had popped the popcorn and downloaded the film, or as she would say uploaded it. Everyone rushed upstairs, everyone except Leo.  He was stopped by his mother, he wasn't allowed to join them in watching the film until he finished all his chores, cleaned his room and did the dishes.  Leo was angry but had no choice but to obey.

Whilst doing the dishes the family was way into the film, Leo moved closer to the couch in order to at least watch a snip it of the film and participate in the laughter. Sadly, he laughed a little too loud causing his mum to turn and scream Leo. Frightened, Leo dropped the plate he was drying and was sent away for his behaviour.

Leo walked back into the lab muttering to himself angrily about chores.

Then Leo looked up, the two pyramids had started to work and created a circle of light that sucked Leo through to the other side. Except Leo didn't realise it was another side. Where he was transported to look oh too familiar, it was the lab. The lab he always new about. The lab that he had spent the past year in. The lab he was just in moments ago. But it wasn't his lab.
Leo ran into the elevator desperate for the bathroom, but when it had opened up to the other side it was completely different to anything he had ever seen before, at least in his home. The furniture had turned white, but not bleached white, more white Valentino handbag white. This wasn't the furniture he knew. Leo turned around and saw the elevator behind him close, instead of the three intertwined rings as the logo, there was one singular ring. Where was he? He thought to himself.

Leo looked up at the sound of his mothers voice, she wore a pantsuit and spoke on a Bluetooth phone. Very unlike herself. Leo looked closer at his mothers sudden change in character, but in doing so he knocked off a white marbled vase from the piano.

"Mom, i am so sorry. I didn't even know that was there."he panicked.

"Break whatever you want, Leo, i can afford a thousand of those."

"You can?"

"Of course, its one of the many perks of being a billionaire." Tasha gloated. "Well that, and being able to tease millionaires."

"Wait, where is everybody?  I thought we were watching a movie? And when did we move into an Italian furniture showroom?" Leo was disorientated, he wasn't sure what was going on. Where was his family.

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