Crush, Chop And Burn Part One

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The siblings walked into school, awed and starstrucked  by their surroundings. They walked in staring in every direction and nervously chase waved to two girls he was passing.

From the distance Amelia Arnolds, an English girl who just recently moved to Mission Creek, stared over at the even newer students and their attitude to their surroundings puzzled her. She didn't quite grasp how they were so happy and dazzled by the walls of hell they had to endure for God knows how many years. She noticed leo come up behind them. They must've been his new siblings Amelia thought. She knew Leo, and she was fairly friendly with him. He helped her in the first week of her breaking in the new school by showing her around and making lame pick up attempts on her, which never worked but she appreciated the effort. She looked at his new brothers and sister. The eldest brother was handsome and tall, the type of guy you would see in movies always getting the girl in the end no matter how much of an idiot he was. The sister seemed hyper and very indulgent in talking to everyone. She seemed shocked by everyone, especially when she went to hug the lunch lady. Then the youngest, the brother that she would soon know as Chase. Something about that boy caught her eye. His pale blue and white plaid shirt over a darker blue tee that seems to brighten up the hall ways as he walked. His hair looked like it has never been properly cut and it made him look cute and innocent. From across the room you could instantly feel the intensity of the boys Hazel eyes. She wanted to get closer to him, something about him made her want to get to know him, and she couldn't quite explain why.

"I can't believe we're actually at school, I am so excited!" an eager Bree claimed. "oh my first lunch lady" she ran over and hugged her but was quickly pulled away by Leo. "she smelt like fish sticks".

"do me a favour and try to act like you've seen the world, I have a reputation to uphold here" leo screamed in an agitated manner as he got a wedgy. "good to see you too Steve!" he tried to play off.

Bree turned around quickly at two girl walking behind her she held her hand out enthusiastically and said "hi I'm bree I like ponies and girl things." they walked away silently and confused as to what the new girl was doing. "did you see that I have besites! I can't wait to stab them in the back"

Amelia felt her heart hurt as Bree got rejected and was still thrilled by the thought of them being friends. She didn't quite understand how she didn't understand the social ques of the teenagers. Amelia looked around the hallways again before she headed off to lesson as she always did. She didn't have many friends at the school yet but she ddint mind keeping to herself too much, plus she had leo who was her friend sort of. She noticed Adam approach a young girl who was struggling to open her locker ugh going to be a knight in shinning armer I see, called it. But then something unexpected happened instead of gently opening the locker he pulled the whole door off. How had he done that these lockers were pretty new as principle Perry was forced to buy new ones as she trashed the other ones going through on of her many tantrums. You found these siblings becoming curiouser and curiouser.

Amelia went closer to them as chase huddled them in to talk, she was just in earshot of what the were saying. "will you two stop goofing off, we're supposed to not draw attention to ourselves" finally she thought one of them has some common sense not to pull off lockers and hug lunch ladies. She began to think he was the normal one, she thought too quickly. The bell began to ran and Chase fell to the floor screaming and turning in circles.

"what's up with crazy?" Leo asked.

"he has ultra sensitive bionic hearing" bree explained.

Ameila was still in earshot when she heard this. She became more confused by the second. Bionic? Like superhuman stuff, robotic. This makes no sense. She decided to forget about it for now and approached the foursome. She knelt down to see Chase and asked if he was all right.

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