Commando App.

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Mr Davenport was pacing around the lab with Adam Bree and Chase waiting at the table for their results. The results that would determine whether they were stable enough to continue going to school. The three of them were nervous, they all wanted to be able to go, and all together. MR DAVENPORT finally stopped pacing and stood still in between the bionic siblings and Leo.

"okay guys, you have trained for all kinds of missions. But you're about to enter a soul-bruising, confidence crushing, apocalyptic environment... High school" Mr Davenport said tensing his neck on disgust and woe from his memories of his time at school. "Adam, Bree your gitch test results are fairly stable-"

"Yes! I'm going to school" Bree jumped up and down excited.

"I'm fairly stable!" Adam said replicating the excitement.

"But, Chase, I'm still concerned about your commando App." davenport continued.

Chase looked up from the table and to his brother concerned he may not be able to join him and his sister for school.  He found it unfair that he would be the one that would enjoy the concept of school the most and yet he would be unable to go. But his commando app was ruthless and he couldn't control it. He hated having the stupid app, he didn't need it he could fight when he wanted to or needed to, when it took over he feels so helpless trapped inside his own body. He wished he could get rid of it or at least control himself when it took over but he never could and it tortured him.

"Commando app?" A surprised Leo said, "put on some underwear we're going to school."

"No,see in the face of imminent threat, Chase's commando app kicks in and he becomes a fearless brute, I like to call Spike." Mr Davenport explained. "It's kind of like a fight or flight thing, except I took out the flight because useless and I replaced it with a testosterone level of like a Tasmanian devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that's mad." Mr Davenport seemed proud and elevated at his creation. Though chase did not as at the sound of his hybrid split personality he gritted his teeth and became almost embarrassed at his other side

"Don't worry Mr Davenport. I promise Spike won't rear his ugly head." Chase tried to convince mr Davenport. He couldn't miss out on school again. He knew that as long as he didn't get into any trouble he would be fine.

"Oh, yeah? You mean like last Christmas, when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?"

Tinsel draped down the walls of the lab and along the three capsules. The lab was decorated in colours of blue and silver which seemed to mimic the mood lighting of the lab. Behind a fallen console Mr Davenport and Bree cowered and hid from a devilish Spike that held up a bright yellow -barrel that awfully clashed with the mood lighting of the lab- he growled as he threw it across the room and over a trapped Adam that laid on the floor constricted by wreaths, tinsel and Christmas lights. Spike pushed his foot down onto the chest of Adam and spoke:

"Anybody else confused about the don't-punch-me rule?" A heavy voice spoke, it was deep and rough and full of hatred and anger. When spike appeared you didn't want to be anywhere near it. Hence why Mr Davenport and Bree decided to hide and use pointy metal sticks as fortifications.

"Ugh,I'm still coughing up tinsel" Adam groaned at the throught the of his sparkled bondage.

"You know, letting chase go to school, isn't such a good idea, I can't risk Spike coming out." Mr Davenport declared.

Leo followed him as he walked begging him to let chase go and stated that they'd help him finally get some popularity points at his school, which were key to survival in those cold hallways.

Adam looked down at chase as he spoke "we'll make sure he stays out of trouble, right guys?"

"Yeah it's one for all and all for one,unless of course you guys make me look bad, in which case I am dropping you lame-o's."

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