Smart and smarter

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Chase stormed into the hallways of the school and up to Amelia who was quietly reaching  into her locker for her textbooks.

"Look at this! An a minus, I knew my home Ec teacher had it out for me. Always criticising my muffins"! He sneered.

Amelia took the paper from his hands "an A-? I know it's not a 'Chase achievement' but it's still a really good grade, don't sweat it. You have plenty of time to get the grade up."

"Don't sweat it? I'm engineered to be the smartest man in the world and I just got an a- " Chase whined.

"Engineered?" Amelia questioned, as she raised an eyebrow in suspicion, chases eyes widened in fear.

"Uh no, not engineered... I uh...I mean .. created? No that's not right ...uhh"

Amelia pinched Chases cheek "aw whose my flustered little bionic man"

"Wait did.. did you just say bionic? Pfft I'm not bionic, where did that crazy idea come from?"

"Chase, you can't hide it from me I already know" Amelia explained, "you and your siblings are bionic, you have intelligence, Bree has super speed and Adam can shoot lasers from his eyes and lift ten times his weight. "

Chase was flustered. "How did you find out?"

"Well for starters I'm very observant when something catches my eye " Amelia smirked looking up at Chase. "Also, You remember your first day - not when spike showed up- you guys were acting super weird but you were the new guys like me so I thought we'd have some common ground. I was walking up to you guys to introduce myself when you fell to the floor and I heard Bree say something about bionic hearing. The word bionic seemed to echo in my ear, then my brother told me you guys got through a recycling centre unscathed ... so I looked it up. You have bionics inside you that gives you some kind of superhuman abilities and then all the actions at school seemed to fit into place and it wasn't hard to work out what your individual abilities are"

"Wow... Mr Davenport is going to kill us"

"Don't worry, by the way, I'm not going to expose you and get the government on your backs. I think this is awesome, it's like all my paracosms have come true all at once, and I guess I'd hate to see you get experimented on."

"Why, thanks" chase rolled his eyes. A sense of worry and relief filled him, worry because no one was supposed to find out and if Amelia knew, how many others did? However he couldn't help feeling relieved. He was seriously falling for Amelia, they hadn't talked about the kiss since it happened, but he desperately wanted to and express how he felt. There was apart of him that held back talking to her about because of his bionics he didn't want to start a relationship in a lie, but now she knew! Maybe he could... just maybe they'd work out.

"Anytime" she winked. "Anyway, what are you planning to do about this disastrous grade" Amelia closed her locker and leant on it as she talked to Chase. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't happy to get the secret of her knowing the bionics off her chest. She'd avoided talking to him about the
'Incident' at the dance, when she kissed him she literally felt fireworks explode. Being with him in that moment was greater than anything else, she felt truly alive. She wanted to find away to tell him about the bionics before she confronted him about what happened, and she just went and blurted it out instead. She felt like an idiot.

"I have got to find a way to reclaim my superiority, I've been thrown into the sea of minus' and I will escape I tell you, I will!"

"You could sign up for the student of the semester competition." Amelia snickered.

Chase perked up. "What's that?"
"Every semester, kids compete to see who can best improve the school. Whoever gets the most votes receive things like free pencils, bumper stickers and a really cheesy picture of themselves on the wall!" Amelia pointed to a picture on the stair well that was behind Chase.

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