The vanishing part 2

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"What? No hug, no deep passionate kiss? Seriously, Amelia. Not even an apology for stabbing me in the neck?" Marcus tilted his head as stepped towards Amelia, he cupped her cheek in his hand, "where's the love?"

Amelia placed her palm in the middle of his chest, "oh, Marcus." Amelia focused on the shadows she could feel, every stitch and particle within his shirt fuelled her. She used this power to propel Marcus backwards without even moving an inch, "i have no love for you." She turned away, finding her place next to Chase.

Marcus steadily got up from the ground, "you've got a few more tricks than last time, very nice." He winked.

"How is this even possible?" Douglas questioned, looking at his former late son.

"Yeah, we say you get crushed under a mountain of rubble." Chase said through gritted teeth, he really, really hated this guy.

"When i was making my "movie", Dougals couldn't stop bragging about his greatest creation ever, an Android with bionic speed, strength, and intellect. I spent so much time trying to steal chase's intelligence. I completely looked over the fact that Marcus already had it."

"Wait, they both have that ability? Amelia I think you should know you have a thing for super intelligence."

"Thanks, Adam. But i don't really think this is the time."

"So." Giselle contiued, "I dug him up, and reassembled him, piece by piece. Though his chip was very badly damaged-"

"You're welcome.."

"I was able to scrape the coding for his intelligence, and Marcus' intelligence gives him a photographic memory, which means he remembers everything from his past, and boy does he have an axe to grind with you, Douglas."

"Me, why me? Leo was the one that hated you, and Amelia was the one that betrayed you."

"Us???" Leo gasped, "yeah that's true."

"When they attacked me, you ran away. You were my creator and you left me to die."

"Hey, Amelia stabbed me for that. I still have a scar on my back! And to be fair i didn't think you'd be coming back."

"Okay, Marcus. I think it's time we finish you for good." Donald pointed his guns at Marcus but in one fatal swoop his and Douglas' were thrown to the floor.

Giselle chuckled, "you don't stand a chance against us. I upgraded Marcus technology - to make up for the damaged chip, he is more powerful than ever."

"Well, he's going to have to be more powerful. Because there are five of us now. That's right bushy brow, I'm bionic now too."


"It's just his little arm."

"And my little leg!" He said defensively.

"It doesn't matter how powerful you are. We took your out once and we will do it again. Get him!" Chase yelled, but as they started to charge Marcus lifted himself up into the air and created a series of blue volts that cascaded from his fingers, forcing them backwards.

"Guys!" Donald yelled as he ran over to his children with Douglas.

"Nice work."

"Thanks, mom."

"Don't call me that, we're not there yet."


"We'll start with Bree first." A muffled voice spoke as her eyes opened. The image was blurred but she could make out a familiar blond mop of hair and her brain clicked with her vision. She got up quickly, missing her chance to have mouth to mouth with bob. The rest of them began to get up slowly afterwards.

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