Space colony part 2

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"I knew you'd show up sooner or later." Krane muffled through his black metallic mask.

"Where's my wife?" Donald questioned with hateful spite, "and what have you done with the colonists."

"In due time. But for now, what do you say we focus on our little reunion?"

"We blasted you miles into the sky. How are you even alive?" Bree interrogated.

"What are the odds he land here?" Adam added, straying from the point.

Garbled speech emitted from Kranes mask as he tried to explain.

"What?" Chase frowned, become increasingly confused and agitated over Amelia's safety.

"I said..." the mask continued to distort his speech.

"We still cant hear you it sounds like something is jammed in your air duct." Adam helped.

Krane hit the side of his mask, "better?"

"Yeah a, much." They all said together.

"When i fell back to Earth, i sustained severe injuries. This face plate helps me breathe."

"Well, i think i speak for all of us when i say it's an upgrade, because that gain of paper clips you had hanging of your face was not working."

In order to shut Donald up, krane twisted his hand initiating his molecular kinesis, allowing him to Choke Donald and throw him to the ground.

Bree and leo helped him up as leo asked how he even got up to the colony, "i used a cyber cloak and snuck up here pretending to be a colonist. Remember Roberta from Kentucky?"

"It all makes sense now, the satellite, the hole in the dome. It was you."

"When i heard you were reacting a space colony in another galaxy, i realised this was my perfect opportunity."

"To become a middle aged southern woman?"

"To create a new base camp for my bionic army, far away from any meddling humans."

"Well you don't have a bionic army anymore. They work for us now."

"I have a new army. Your colonists, they're about to be implanted with bionics, which brings me to Dr. Gao, and of course the one that already has bionics, Amelia." Amelia, whose once blue eyes now shone a sickly green colour, and Dr. Gao came around from the door way. "Dr. GAO is a scientist who's come up with a new way of creating bionic humans. Liquid injection."

"We will never let you put bionics in those innocent people."

"Amelia, come on, this can't be happening." chase said, placing his hand on Amelias cheek, looking into those green eyes.

Amelia grabbed the hand that was on her cheek, forcefully she snapped his arm behind his back, "careful where you're putting your hands there, sweetie." She pushed him away and he stumbled into his brother.

"There's no way we're going to let you implant those people with bionics." Donald said.

"Oh but you will, as im sure you already can see, my triton app device works very efficiently."

"it wont work on us, Mr. Davenport already put a block on our chips... though I'm not sure how you got to amelia." Chase was perplexed, Amelia had a different chip compared to him or his siblings or even the students back at the academy. It was made of scraps and barely makes sense, something might have gone wrong with the blocking but he knew his father would have made sure she was safe. Chase saw krane start to rise the device and jumped in front trying to block it but he was blasted to the ground. Donald knelt down to check his son and krane took his chance. A green light glowed over his head, making his eyes go a green that stuck out against his black eyeliner.

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