Bionic showdown Part two.

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"What do you mean you're our father?"Chase asks as the three siblings look back at Douglas.

"Yeah he's our father." Bree pointed at Donald.

"No. Thats what he's been telling you."

"Look I don't know who you are but you're going down." Adam's eyes began to glow red but before he would shoot at his claiming father, Douglas pulled out a remote from his pocket. When he pressed the button the three kids were immediately transported into the cell with Donald.

"You mastered short range teleportation before i did?" Donald said, envious. "Ive been working on that for years!"

"I know, i'm awesome." Douglas said.

"You're still going down." Adam tried to shoot a laser but nothing happened, his bionics weren't working. at the sight of this Bree tried to run but nothing, she was stuck to average human speed, and Chase had nothing. "Our bionics are gone."

"That's because we designed these lasers to block the signals fro your bionic chips." Amelia said walking into the room, revealing herself as a traitor after all. "We've rendered you powerless."

"Amelia?" Chase whimpered. His heart felt like it had been shot in the heart by an arrow, but this time it wasn't Cupid's doing. He couldn't believe it, or more likely he didn't want to believe it, he loved Amelia and he felt like an idiot for not telling her that sooner until he saw her standing there. She wore all black skin tight clothes, there was no colour in her clothing or her face. Chase knew deep down something wasn't right, this wasn't like her, this wasn't the person he knew, but what did he know. She'd been lying to everyone for months. What was real and what was fake became quickly blurred in chases memories, did she mean anything she said? Did he mean anything to her?
Chase began to worry about everything, he began to blame himself for the whole situation. If it wasn't for him Amelia wouldn't be so close in their lives, she wouldn't know all of their secrets. It was all his fault he kept telling himself on repeat. It was all my fault.

"Hey, Chasey. Surprised to see me here?" Amelia chuckled.

"What are you doing? We trusted you."

"Yeah you did, and that really sucks for you. But what can i say, i can't resist a bad boy." Amelia grinned as she walked closer to the laser bars, staring Chase right in the eyes.

Chase grunted and he grabbed onto the bars with both hands staring down at Amelia. He fought through the pain to hold on, he wasn't going to show weakness to her anymore, she didn't deserve that satisfaction. "You're going to pay for this Amelia."

"I can't pay a dead man, Chasey." She winked. Leaving him holding on in pain, she strutted over to Marcus.


Back in the lab, Leo was looking at the monitor at what happening. "I knew it, Amelia's evil too, these guys really have to start listening to me."

"Not to mention chase needs a better taste in girls." Eddy commented.

"Eddy, they're all trapped. What am i going to do?" He procrastinated. "I have to go and save them myself, but i'm not going to stand a chance if i go in there empty handed."

"You're not going to" Eddie said, "Donald told me that in a worst case scenario, someone has to punch this button." A red button appeared underneath eddy on the screen "and you being the only one left is the worst case scenario.

Leo sheepishly pushed the button and behind him a life sized version of Donald appeared on a pedestal. Donald was glowing blue and seemed to phase in and out of the room. He's a hologram, Leo thought. "Adam, Bree, chase, if you're watching this, something terrible has happened. It's time for you to become the heroes you were always meant to be.' The holographic Donald spoke confidently and had a twinge of sadness in his voice thinking about why he had to make this message. "And whatever it is you're about to face, i know you can handle it without me." Thats not what he said yesterday, Leo though thinking about their argument. " though your bionics are amazing, they may not always be enough. So step into the elevator and Eddy will take you to a secret floor below the lab: the weapons vault. And Leo if you're watching this. I do not have a weapons vault."

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