Chapter 16: New Pack meets Family

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-Y/n POV-

So, a while ago I woke up and saw that Hati was missing. Ahri knows where she went but wouldn't tell me. That leaves me with two possible impressions. One, Hati is out looking for a mate, or Two, she is out with a mate. Wait... why do I assume she is looking for a mate?

Tenie: "Simple. During the night you subconsciously heard wolves in the night and because of that your brain led you to assume that."

Tenebris is leaning against the wall looking outside through the window. It was hard to tell where her gaze went but to my best guess, it went from bushes to trees. Watching the shadows, waiting.

Y/n: "Wolves? Since when? We've never had wolves around here."

Tenie: "I'm not sure... but I think I know the pack."

Well, that's a first. How could she know this pack if they have never been here? Wait... How old is Tenebris? I mean she was with Lykos before me.

Y/n: "Tenie this is off topic but how old are you?"

Without hesitation Tenebris answers.

Tenie: "Older than the Romans. You know there were more Shade Wolves back then so it was easier to survive."

Y/n: "okay then that brings me to my next question. Who-"

Hati: "I'm home!"

Both Tenebris and I see Hati with a large Elk on her back. Its blood barely visible on her fur. The only way that would be possible is if she drained it first. It could be a culprit as to why she took so long.

Y/n: "well I can see you went hunting but it took way too long."

Hati: "what do you mean it took too long?"

Tenebris points out the window. The sky is dark with the only light coming from the moon before it hides behind the clouds. Hati had a look of disbelief. I almost had the same look because I actually knew what expression she was showing. Don't judge me. It's hard when it is on a wolf's face.

Hati: "Oh. I had no idea it took so long. Well, I would have been here sooner but I met another Dire wolf today."

Silence. No one knew what to say or how to react. The only other Dire Wolf I saw was Hati's mother and even then she was dead when I first found Hati so for her to meet another one after all this time is... unnatural.

Tenie: "..... Y/n. I'm going to start my patrol early tonight."

Without giving me time to respond she disappears.

Y/n: *sighs* "well you might as well put that down and tell me what happened"

Hati nods. Carrying the Elk to the kitchen and nudging it onto a clear countertop. She walks back with a joyful skip. Her meeting with another Dire wolf really must have been good for her to put her in this kind of mood.

Hati: "ok so I was out hunting because Ahri wanted an Elk for something and when I got one I felt like I was being watched so I looked around and found a black dire wolf named Noctis came out of the bushes and we struck up a conversation. He told me how his pack has traveled a long way and that they were tired so I gave him the Elk I killed."

Y/n: "so you befriended this wolf?"

Hati: "Yep!"

Y/n: "Look Hati... I'm happy that you found a new friend but we don't know what they want or why they traveled so far just to get here. *sighs* Just be careful... ok."

Hati's head lowers her but she understands what I meant. With a sad posture, Hati makes her way past Ahri who had been listening in for a while.

Ahri: "So... there is a pack of Dire wolves coming?"

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