Chapter 39: Mission Begins

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There they were, two lovers gently but firmly embracing each other as they slept off a night neither of them would forget. Ahri's smooth and sweaty body glistened in the moonlight. Her tails gradually moved from left to right off the side of the bed. Her soft skin lightly touched Y/n's as he took his time admiring his wife once more. He often thinks to himself how lucky he is in having a wife as beautiful as Ahri. Such a beauty...

But, Y/n began to feel as if he was missing or forgetting something. Something very important... but what? That's when he heard his bedroom door open and a soft couch. He turned and saw Riot, fully equipped and ready. He simply gestures to the truck before leaving with the door wide open. Y/n could do nothing but sigh as he carefully slipped out of Ahri's embrace. He got dressed in his thickest fur coat before covering his wife with a blanket. He went to kiss her on the forehead but was surprised when she turned and kissed him. A voice crept into his mind that he recognized instantly.

Ahri: -"Please be careful my love..."-

At first, Y/n questioned how she knew but then he remembered she can hear thoughts and read minds.

Y/n: "I promise I will."

He pulled Ahri in for one final kiss before parting to join Riot, who was patiently waiting by the truck. Without a word shared between them they got into the truck and headed off towards the organization Riot was ordered to destroy.

-TIMESKIP: 30mins-

The drive was painfully quiet as neither man wanted to discuss anything. All they did was think about what was going to happen. The anticipation of the fight was all Y/n could think about. The thoughts plagued his mind like a disease festering in a bad cut. Rotting away any healthy thought till suddenly a voice snapped him out of that dangerous place.

Tenie: "Y/n, you are going to be okay. Trust me."

Right in front of him is Tenebris with her hand gently cupping his cheek. Of course, Y/n barely felt anything but it was a nice and soothing gesture from Tenebris.

Y/n: "Thanks..."

Riot: "Well, we are about to assault a heavily fortified base That would put the white house, Pentagon, and Kremlin to shame. So... yeah, you'll be fine."

Y/n: "It's not myself I'm worried about..."

Riot said nothing after that. He would have only made the situation worse if he did. No, he focused on the road and worried about his fears. His focus remained unbroken till they had to stop. Lights shone in the distance. Not too far away but enough to get a good look at what they were dealing with.

Riot: "We're here."

He said as he got out of the truck and walked closer to the lights. Y/n and Tenebris did the same, stìcking close to Riot. What they all saw shocked Y/n and Tenebris.

The base was more than a fortress. It was an impenetrable base, perfectly built for almost every possible situation. Anti-air turrets, automatic search Lights, tall walls made of a combination of metals and finally something Tenebris can see but Y/n and Riot can't. Men patrol below and on top of the walls every 30 seconds making getting caught a certainty.

Riot: "... well this is going to be easier than I thought."

Both Y/n and Tenebris gave Riot questioning looks. Looks that asked the fundamental question of whether he was mad or not. And like the badass he is, Riot simply walks back to the track, pulls something out, walks back, and shoots 5 rounds from a grenade launcher while simultaneously answering the question. Yes, he is mad as the grenades exploded against the heavily guarded steel gate. Alone, none of the grenades could do anything but together, they were able to bring down the gate like a giant falling. Sirens and alarms instantly alert the entire building of the incoming attack.

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