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-third person-

It was a clear spring day in Alaska and a new challenge waited for (y/n). He had been on the road for three days now driving to his new home. On his way here he saw no sign of life human besides the town he drove through two days in. (Y/n) had bought a house online and that is where he was heading.

-y/n POV-

Y/n: Wait... where is the house?

I can't believe I was scammed. There's nothing here but a few pipes which I assume is for plumbing. Banging my head on the steering wheel I began to tear up and then reminded myself.

(Y/n): I can't go back to them. I can't.

All of a sudden my phone began to ring and not knowing who would call me I pick up the little thing to find out who it was. It was James, the only friend I could really talk to. We are like brothers, constantly joking around and helping each other.

James: (y/n) where the hell is you. I've just visited your parents and they're saying they don't know you.

Y/n: Ummm... how do I say this? Something bad happened and now in living in Alaska...

I could just imagine the look on his face right now.


Y/n: Ow... loud shit. Please try not yelling in the mic again.

James: Sorry... but what's going on?

Y/n: I'm sorry but I can't say what happened. I'm still trying to get over it but right now I have a problem. You see I bought a house online and it was a scam. The previous owners must have taken everything even the house. All that's left is some pipes sticking out of the ground.

James: So.

Confused by James's reply I ask.

Y/n: So what?

James: Just build a new house to call home. Start a new life for crying out loud and maybe you'll discover a new ability while you're at it.

Y/n: Dude are you still on about that. You know I don't have any and I'm past the age where one discovers them.

James: All I'm saying is that some people are late bloomers and who knows maybe your ability is passive.

Y/n: Or maybe I'm just a useless person who's gonna die out here!

There was a long silence between us and deep down I know I shouldn't have gotten angry about this.

Y/n: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.

James: It's ok. I have an idea. Send me what's left of your money and I'll buy everything you need like windmills, fridges and that kind of stuff. I'll get some guys to get everything sorted.

Y/n: Is this goodbye?

There was another long and uncomfortable silence between us until he replies with a hurt tone of voice.

James: Sadly it is. I want this to be my final gift to you. I-I-I'm s-sorry.

Y/n: It's ok *sniff* I'll try and stay alive.

James: You better.

And then he hung up leaving me in a crying mess. I spent more than half an hour crying to myself now properly being alone. It took some time for me to calm down and think of my next move.

Y/n: James said to my own home. That easier said than done. *sigh* at least bought that axe before I left town.

I figured I need it to chop some firewood or something but now it looks like it's gonna be my new best friend. I got out of the car grabbing the axe as well and had a good look at my surrounding. There were lots of big pine trees, perfect for building a log house. All I need is a plan.

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