Chapter 6 : Going to war

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-Redgrave POV-

It's four in the morning and we finished packing all the things we for the journey. Y/n insisted that we leave as soon as possible even though he still looks like a corpse but he persuaded us saying that he can get as much rest as he needs in the car. He already in the car waiting for me but my wife is holding me back.

Wife: You will come back to me won't you?

Red: Of course I will. I'll never leave you alone on this earth.

She looked down to the ground trying to hold back the tears running down her face. I put my hand under her chin lifting her head to look at me giving her a pure smile before kissing her forehead and leaving her at the doorway. Y/n looks at me with a sorrowful face as if trying to tell me I didn't have to do this.

Red: Quit with the sad look. You have a job to do and so do I.


He didn't say a word just stared out onto the road as we drove off falling asleep not long after. I still tried to wrap my head around the fact that he has survived the impossible and is still going. What did those men do exactly to force him to fight like this? I suppose I'll see you soon enough.

-Ahri POV-

Hati and I have been in this container for days now and no signs of it stopping. The men who kidnapped us were constantly keeping an eye on us while only giving us small meals twice a day. They were purposely weakening us and making us suffer. The metal box didn't help at all keeping the cold out. I'm surprised we haven't died of hypothermia. Hati is getting the worst of it. With the amount of food they give us it's not enough for her even if I give her my portion but I have to help her as much as possible.

Just as I am about to shut my eyes the van finally stops and the sound of footsteps in the snow walking up to the doors. The doors open and the light blinded us for a few seconds. While recovering from the blinding light I felt two pairs of hands grab both my arms pull me with violent force out of the van. I tried struggling but their grip is too strong and I'm currently too weak to use any magic. Hati is also too weak to do anything except letting other men attempting to get her up but she didn't budge. They need five men just to pick her up but even that is too difficult for them so they waited by Hati while I am being dragged inside of an old building that looks like it was made back in the dark ages. The whole thing is made from slabs of stone kept together with clay. Some of it looks new as if they're trying not to let it fall apart. The large wooden doors opened and to my surprise, the inside looks completely new. It still has the traditional decorations you would expect but everything looks clean and smooth. High-tech computers are lining the walls with a man for each of them, a guard stationed at every corner of the hall, and an altar at the far end. Getting closer to the altar I can see a basin in the center with a menacing statue of a demon/devil leaning of it. In front of the altar is a large round stone table with, what I assume is, devilish markings on the side. The two men kept dragging me past the table through another, smaller, wood door that only leads down. After a few minutes of non-stop descending did we finally come to a, of course, the underground dungeon where they waste no time throwing me into a cell and locking the old door. I could do nothing but huddle into the corner.

I would say about an hour had passed before I heard some activity. It sounded like men struggling. A few minutes later I could see eight men carrying Hati who didn't even look alive at this. Her body was so thin and completely limp. After they put her into a separate cell they all took a breather before getting an order to leave.

???: Alright you did your job, now leave.

They all waste no time running past this man who, from the authority in his voice must be a leader. He grabbed the last man to pass him and pulled him along inspecting Hati in her cell.

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