Chapter 17 : Hello there.

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-Third Person-

The forest surrounding Y/n house is unusually silent with the occasional bang of an axe against a black spruce tree. He was using the very same axe he started his life with. With each swing, he digs deeper and deeper into the wood. The sound echoing throughout the forest. Y/n was about to take one more swing but stopped just before.

-Y/n POV-

I heard the sound of snow crushing. If the forest wasn't as quiet as it was I wouldn't have heard it. There was something behind and me... and I can tell it's watching. Slowly, I lowered my axe however still keeping a firm grip, and turned my head to see who or what was watching me. There it stood. A man, with black wolf ears and a tail. He was about a head taller than me and unusually pale skin. One eye had an eye patch while the other was a light silver. He had a ring on a chain around his neck.

We both stood still for more than 5 minutes, watching, trying to figure out why the other is here or what he is doing

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We both stood still for more than 5 minutes, watching, trying to figure out why the other is here or what he is doing. My thoughts were going to all possibilities. Is this a friend of Oliver, is he a visitor? These were the questions I needed answers to but to my surprise, the stranger moved into a position to charge, lowering his body and bending his legs. I stayed where I was, readying myself for an attack. In a matter of seconds, we end up on the other side of each other. It's almost impossible to see with the normal eye but what happened was he charged at me, causing me to swing around and aim for his head. He was fast enough to see my counter and duck underneath it, rolling behind me.

???: "well now that was unexpected. A human being able to keep up with me."

In unison, we both turn around and stare down at each other.

Y/n: "...Who are you?"

A set of bushes rustle nearby as a black Dire Wolf jumps out. It looked to be very worried but why? Remember Dire wolves can only talk telepathically so I couldn't hear what it was saying. The human figure seemed to be thinking for a moment before looking up at me.

???: "Do you know a large white Dire wolf named Hati?"

Y/n: "..... Is this the wolf she found yesterday?"

I was pointing at the black dire wolf as it slowly came up to me.

Noctis: "sry if my alpha got off on a bad foot. I'm Noctis and he is Kayden. We are just looking for Hati and her pack."

Soon three more wolf humans and four dire wolves step out of the bushes.

Y/n: "You guys her friends?"

Kayden: "Yes. we are going to be."

Something about that didn't sound right to me or at least it didn't sit well with me.

Noctis: "Ahh he means we would like to be friends with her pack. Can you take us to them?"

Every fiber in my being is screaming not to trust Kayden however if there is a chance for peace... maybe... just maybe it starts here. The cold winds slowly picked up as the dire wolves waited for my answer. Though most are hard to notice I can tell that they are cold. Especially Noctis, he was shivering as the wind picked up.

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