Chapter 27: New drive

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Everyone was waiting. Waiting in the cold, dead silence of the night. All the wolves, including Hati, were huddled together staring at the door. Clara, now and then, would take a glance at a few floorboards as they were the entrance to an underground cellar where both James and Paula are hiding. It's nothing fancy, just a five by five square meter dug out with stone walls. Selves hung on the walls with old tools and equipment. Old fur rugs were piled in a corner as well as old cushions. Lastly, a large pile of straw stood on one side of the room.

The kids were there because Clara didn't know where else to hide them so that was the best place at the time. They all waited till a shadowy figure rose from underneath the door and took a proper form when it was inside. Now standing there is Tenebris with her face to the side, trying not to meet the gazes of everyone there. Even though Tenebris is a shadow Hati could see the look of anger and annoyance plastered to her dark face. Hati slowly moved closer to Tenebris, like she was something Hati has never seen before, then gently bit Tenebris' hand to get her attention. It doesn't matter how hard she bit the hand as she can't feel everything unless she is harmed. Never it was enough to get her attention as she spoke in an irritated tone.

Tenie: "What!?"

Hati stared at her with sad eyes. She was bigger so it made sense that she was staring down at Tenebris.

Hati: "Wh-why?"

Tenie: "..."

Tenebris said nothing. All she did was stare back into Hati's deep sea blue eyes who swore could see some regret in Tenebris' eyes.

Hati: "We... trusted you... He trusted you."

Still nothing from Tenebris.

Hati: "...maybe we should have expected something when you weren't here."

It was at this moment that Hati turned around to walk back to the others. Tenebris mumbled to herself so no one else could hear.

Tenie: "Maybe Y/n... is stronger..."

There was a painful silence that soon followed as everyone waited. Most were hoping that they were waiting for Y/n but everyone was expecting to see a ruthless, mutated Kayden walk through the doors. While waiting Hati shifted closer to Clara and asked in a whisper.

Hati: "Clara... what happened? How can Direwolves get like that?"

Both of their eyes were fixated on the door.

Clara: "... Not naturally... he... must have eaten one of his own..."

Hati: "But... Y/n won the pack... so... who?"

Clara's eyes didn't budge as she explained.

Clara: "Sven... he abandoned us and stayed with Kayden... we call wolves like him Loyal Fallens. Loyal pack members even when the alpha they follow has fallen... so... Kayden must have... eaten him..."

Silence fell on both again. The sheer thought of Kayden eating one of his own sent chills and shivers down Hati's spine. Then... they all heard it. The sound of something big and heavy crushing the snow beneath its feet. A growl that sounded more like a rumble from a cave collapsing from far away. Both sounds were getting closer... and closer... till finally the creaking of wood join the noise but it was short-lived as everything just seemed to stop. Not a single pair of eyes was not locked on the door as it slowly opened. On the other side was Kayden, standing in such a way his body looked like a shadow with only his forever changing red and black standing out. He stepped inside, only to have the door close by itself, and looked at everyone.

Clara stepped forth and bowed.

Clara: "Welcome back... Alpha."

Fear smothered her voice as she kept her eyes on the floor. Kayden moved his large furred hand to her head. His claws slightly stabbed the back of her neck as he examined the rest. Everyone but Hati was bowing.

Kayden: "Are you not loyal to me?"

Those were his only words. They didn't sound offended or hurt but curious. His eyes, though they are constantly changing, had no life to them. If Hati wasn't loyal then Kayden would simply kill her. He doesn't care anymore... but someone else does. Noctis gently stepped on her foot, it was all he could do to communicate with her. Luckily she seemed to get the message and bowed.

Kayden: "Good. I want you all to start preparing the same celebration you had for the human."

Without hesitation, all the wolves obeyed their alpha's will, just with less enthusiasm so the preparations would take longer than before. Tenebris disappeared before anyone else could notice her disappearance.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the cliff lay Y/n and Ahri. They lay in a small crater embedded into the snow. Both were unconscious as the snow slowly fell onto their motionless bodies. Soon Ahri woke up in the protective arms of Y/n in a place she had never been before. She painfully sat up as a searing headache shot through her mind. She instinctively clutched her forehead to try and relieve the pain but to no avail. Only with time did the pain subside to which Ahri was able to see Y/n beneath her, bleeding from the head and not moving an inch. Ahri quickly started to check to make sure that Y/n was alive. Thankfully she felt a steady breathing and slow heartbeat. He was alive, just unconscious. She moved off him and positioned his head on her lap. They stayed like that for some time before Ahri heard the snap of a twig. Her head jerked towards the source of the sound. There, sitting on a rock was Tenebris. With a look of guilt and discomfort, written on her shadowy face as she avoided all eye contact with Ahri.

Ahri: "You!"

Tenie: "... I'm... sorry..."

Ahri summoned five, bright blue flaming balls all floating around her. She was furious at the sight of Tenebris who did nothing but keeping her head low and facing away from Ahri. She did nothing but look guilty. Ahri was still having none of it but she didn't attack, just watched.

Ahri: "Why did you betray us!?"

Tenebris said nothing as she couldn't say anything. Then out of nowhere a voice that neither was expecting sounded.

Y/n: "It's okay Ahri. Tenie saved us."

Ahri's head jerked towards Y/n, his head still on her lap. Tenebris looked at Y/n before disappearing into his shadow. He looked up at Ahri who had tears of joy. She hugged Y/n tightly with blind joy. She didn't realize that he was struggling to breathe until he started tapping her shoulder.

Ahri: "Oh I'm so sorry!"

She let go of Y/n and started using her magic to heal him as much as possible but she was stopped by him holding her hands.

Y/n: "First we need to find shelter before it gets dark. You will never survive that kind of cold."

Ahri gave a nod and tried moving but her legs would just not respond.

Ahri: "Y-y/n... I can't feel my... legs."

Y/n simply shook his head as he sat up from her lap, turned around, and picked her up bridal style. They walked off through thick snow that stood waist-high in search of shelter.

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