Chapter 20: Plans

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It had been two weeks since the wolf pack came but it feels longer than that. Like Y/n and his family have known them for a few months. It almost looks like they are family. Y/n and Diona have been training every day since their walk. She won't admit it but Y/n is learning quickly. For her, it's not a matter of how long it will take him to beat her but of long she can stay ahead. Y/n is learning things that took her years to master. It is just too unreal for her to understand.

As for Ahri and Clara, they have been learning from each other. Ahri knows which herbs to use and Clara had been practicing with advanced medicines created by Ahri's magic. They became best of friends while learning from each other.

Hati and Noctis spent more time with each other. Playing around in the snow and chasing small mammals. Sometimes they even play with the kids and other wolf members.

Well... except for two. Kayden and Tenebris. Kayden has been staying away from the log house. Hunting, resting and watching the family interact with his pack. It was getting on his nerves. He kept his distance from any of the family members at all times even if it meant staying up in trees. It's sickening to him to watch his pack, Direwolves, spending time with these... humans.

He was resting in a tree with his tail slowly swinging from side to side. His hands acted as a cushion for his head against the hardwood. His one leg bent over a short branch, swinging aimlessly in the air while the other lay completely straight on the branch he sat on. The black coat he wore covered his lap leaving only his shirt to protect his top half from the elements. The cold didn't bother Kayden, not as much as Y/n and his family. To Kayden, everything second his pack spends with 'them' is a second closer to the pack betraying him. Kayden would be left with nothing except the constant feeling of death lingering in his mind. He is not afraid of much but if there was one thing he was terrified of is death. The only reason is that he knows where he is going. It scares him so much that every time he thinks about that place it sends a shiver down his spine. Just a stranger running a cold finger down his back.

Tenebris on the other hand was watching Kayden and waiting for the sun to go down. Thankfully it was pretty late in the day so she did not have to wait long. As the shadows slowly covered the tree Kayden was on Tenebris appeared. Starting with her feet then moving up to the rest of her body. The usual dark mist emanated from her as her form was still just a silhouette with little outlines of her face.

Tenebris stood there staring at Kayden with an overconfident grin. She had every reason to be overconfident, he can't hurt her nor can he run from her. Kayden can only lie there and let her do whatever she wanted. Her grin grew as she thought about the screams he would make if she could do what she wanted but Tenebris had other plans for this sleeping wolf in front of her.

Her cold presence was enough to let Kayden know something is wrong. He slowly opened his eyes to look upon the shadow monster staring down at him. His first instinct was to sink his claws and teeth into her neck and stomach but he found his body didn't want to move, no matter how hard he tried. She raised a finger to his mouth, placing it directly in the middle. With cold, detached words she said.

Tenebris: "Shhhh. If you struggle I will be forced to take away your limbs. Understand?"

That threat only made his muscles tense up but he was not trying to break free.

Kayden: "The.... hell are you?"

Tenebris: "I could go on a rant about my history and that I'm the literal darkness that dwells in your mind but no. I'm Tenebris. Y/n's Shadow or dark magic."

Kayden: "Dark.... magic?"

She leaned forward till her face was inches away from his face. She whispered in a sinister tone with a hint of enjoyment.

Tenebris: "The same magic that killed your pack so long ago."

He froze with pure, raw fear as the thing that killed his pack so long ago stared into his soul. Tenebris laughed uncontrollably as she was enjoying this too much.

Tenebris: "I don't know what it is but the look of pure horror is way better than the look of utter pain."

Kayden: "What..... d-do you.... want?"

She smiled with sinister glee.

Hati and Noctis were walking in the forest as the sunlight the sky with a dark orange glow. It was starting to become a regular thing for them to do as they wanted to get away from Paula's and James's unending pit of energy. How those two were able to tire the entire wolf pack is a mystery.

On these walks, Hati and Noctis would talk, share stories and occasionally hunt a small animal together. They would also be planning pranks on everyone just for the fun of it.

Noctis: "So he killed the very Shade Wolf that annihilated my pack with just his bare hands?"

Hati: "That's what he told me."

Noctis sat down, slowly processing the story he just heard.

Noctis: "Maybe he is lying and just found it dead on the floor."

Hati: "The scar on his shoulder proves it."

Noctis: "Well I haven't seen it."

Hati was starting to get annoyed but she knew she was being played by Noctis. It's just hard for her not to continue.

Hati: "You know I'm right!"

She gave a huff and looked away. Noctis just chuckled and walked up next to her, Nuzzling her side.

Noctis: "I believe you."

Hati rests her head on top of his. Even though they are both Direwolves, Noctis was still shorter than Hati.

Hati: "We should play a prank on that grumpy alpha of yours."

Noctis immediately looked at Hati like she was insane. His look also gave a hint of fear even if Hati just gave a suggestion.

Noctis: "You're not seriously thinking about that. Right?"

Hati: "Well your entire pack is getting along with my family except for your alpha. And what's a pack if the alpha is not there?"

Noctis: "Hati, please. Kayden... is not someone who takes jokes lightly."

Hati: "Everyone can take a joke. Now, Let's think of a way to prank him!"

She gave Noctis a determined gaze. It almost made him slightly confident however he knew it won't work. Noctis wanted to speak up against her and try to change her mind but he's a runt. He's used to listening to others... even if they are friends.

I think I'll keep this style of writing. It just feels right you know. Well, I'll see you guys next week.

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