Chapter 10 : Demons feelings

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-Y/n POV-

I'm currently sitting in front of the stranger's semi-truck with Ahri resting next to me. Her head place on my lap and I couldn't help but gently run my fingers through her hair. Hati is in the back sleeping with two kids the stranger brought. He is the one driving us home with Red leading the way. I told the stranger about Red before we set off. Right now we've been driving for three days now and this awkward silence is killing me. Not to mention this uneasy vibe I'm getting from the stranger.

Y/n: Sooooo... you have a name?

Stranger: Yes.

Y/n: And?

Stranger: Just call me Riot.

Y/n: Your last name... who are the kids.

There is a monitor on the dashboard that shows the back container of Hati and the kids. One bother and an older sister. They look peaceful, using Hati as a giant pillow even though She still has blood around her mouth. The boy is shifting around and it looks like he's having a nightmare. Hati notices this and curls around the children easing the boy's nightmare into a dream.

Riot: They're my nephews. James and  Paula.

The reveal of the kid's identity surprised me a bit. Some much so I asked.

Y/n: Oliver had kids.

Riot: Yes, three in fact.

Y/n: Wait where's the third.

Riot: .....

His silence is all I needed to understand. While we were waiting for Riot back at the fort we heard some yelling and a gunshot before Riot came out with his nephews.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Riot: .....

He seems really bothered by my apologies. Not sure why but in the back of my mind one question made itself known and I couldn't help but ask.

Y/n: Why... did you kill your brother like that.

Riot : *sigh* Do you really want to know why.

He looks at me with no emotion, waiting for an answer so I nod my head. He turned his attention back to the road.

Riot: We both lived a terrible life in our childhood. We didn't know who our parents were and who we could trust. We learned that no one gives a shit about us and that no one ever will. We stole, fought, ran, and even killed. When we got older some men from a special task force recognized our talent and offered us a place we could call home. They fed us, trained us.... made us killing machines. One night we were talking about our future if we stayed. How we would die. So I asked him how he wanted to die seeing how this topic bothered him. He told me he... he wanted to die by my hands. No weapons just my hands...

Damn. All I asked was why not an entire life story but it does help to know their story. But if they were so close how could he have done it.

Riot: We both understand the importance of this world and he knew what he was doing was wrong but he was going to do it anyway. Trust me he regretted a single second of it. I only did what was necessary.

Y/n: He didn't act like it.

Riot: You have to understand that he was a leader and he had to act like one. We are resourceful but that doesn't mean we can do everything.

Hearing this only made me feel bad for Oliver, even though he stabbed me, kidnapped Ahri and Hati, and burn my house down. The truck hit a bump causing Ahri to moan and shift back into a comfortable position.

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