Chapter 32: Old and New friends

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The metal side door opened and out jumped a man all too familiar. His arms stretched out in a welcoming gesture and said.

Riot: "Missed me?"

Ahri was the first to casually walk up to Riot to hug him. She was soon followed by Clara who gladly introduced herself even though her voice was a bit shaky. Once the greeting was out of the way, Riot walked up to Y/n and asked.

Riot: "...No greeting from You?"

Y/n: "I would gladly greet you... but it's hard to do so when unrivaled fear holds you back."

He nods in recognition and takes a step back before offering his hand to shake. Sadly Y/n knew Tenebris would do anything to stay away, even if it meant running around to the other side of the world or jumping to the sun. Riot sighs as he understands what the problem is and swings round to his truck.

Riot: "I have someone I want you all to meet."

He makes a gesture to the truck and on the other side a woman steps out. She looks pretty with her black shiny hair and peach coloured skin. Her eyes matched her hair but they had a lighter glow. She has a small smile plastered onto her face with her hands tucked tightly under her armpits. The jacket she is wearing looking heavy and robust but her pants... They are not meant for this weather and for what everyone could see, she is paying the price for wearing them. Finally, she is wearing a cute dark grey beanie with military green, high heel boots. She looks timid and nervous, not to mention cold.

 She looks timid and nervous, not to mention cold

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Riot: "Ahri, Y/n. Meet Olivia. Olivia, these are the ones I saved a while back."

She gives a small nod before saying.

Olivia: "It's very nice to meet you."

Ahri: "The pleasure is ours. So... you two a thing?"

Riot: "Hmm? Oh no. We're partners."

Just then Olivia hugged her hands and looked desperately at Riot. It was clear as day that Olivia was freezing her butt off and before her partner could say anything, both Clara and Ahri guided the icicle inside. Now it's just Y/n alone with Riot. Both don't mind the cold.

Y/n: "So... Why did you come back?"

Riot: "Nothing serious. Just a paid holiday and I thought why not spend it here?"

Y/n: "Well... umm that may be a problem."

On queue, a scream resonated from the house followed by Olivia rushing outside of the and up against the wall. She has a look of terror in her eyes, begging Riot to come. Both the men calmly walked up as Y/n explained.

Y/n: "You see, my house is a bit crowded at the moment..."

Riot: "Townspeople with a murderous look?"

Y/n: "No. Wolves."

He tilts his head as he tries to piece together everything.

Riot: "Wolves?"

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