Chapter 34: Desires

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Ahri: "Good morning boys~"

Even though it is early in the morning and Ahri is still tired, she somehow manages to still send lustful chills down Y/n spine. How she does it is a complete mystery but who cares, she is gorgeous. With her slightly messed up hair, her warm yet thin nightgown ending with her thighs, the beautifully hypnotizing whitetails, and her piercing golden eyes shining brighter than the morning sun. She is perfect no matter what time of day it is.

Ahri is so perfect that Y/n couldn't help but stare senselessly. Luckily for him, Riot seems to be immune to her charms.

Riot: "Morning to you too. Sleep well?"

He had an amused smile as he watched Y/n slowly regain his senses. At this stage, Ahri had joined them at the counter behind Y/n just so she can hug him and press most of her body against his back. Her chin rested on his shoulder as she jokingly says.

Ahri: "I had the best five-hour sleep of my life, till a certain someone left me all alone~ Isn't that right sweety?~"

Y/n: "I-i heard R-Riot was up... s-so I thought I'd keep h-him company."

This was extremely hard for Y/n. Not only was he busy with bloody work but also had his love's body pressing so firmly against him that the clothes between them did nothing. Worse, all this was happening in front of Riot who, only moments ago, heard the confession of Y/n's plans.

Ahri: "Well I hope whatever you guys were talking about was and still is interesting."

She was not letting go.

Y/n: "N-nothing much... j-just guy stuff."

Riot: "Yeah, guy stuff."

With a wink, Riot gives both Ahri and Y/n a smirk. To him, this shit was funny as hell and just couldn't stop giving the shit-filled smile. Ahri seemed to catch on and tightened her grip while whispering into his ear.

Ahri: "Was your guy talking about girls?~"

Y/n: "N-No! I-i-i mean... yes... Ummm... maybe?"

Ahri: "Well you better not have been thinking of other girls, otherwise I'm going to have to rid that corrupt thinking~"

Riot: "And how will you do that I wonder."

His smirk was growing bigger and bigger by the second.

Ahri: "Well?~"

Her grip tightens to the point that Y/n believes there are no clothes between them because they are doing nothing to weaken the sensation of her smooth, soft skin.

Ahri: "I'm sure I can think of something... thrilling~"

Enough was enough.

Y/n: "Okay! That's it!"

He swiftly broke out of Ahri's grip, turned around, and gave her a passion-filled kiss. Ahri was surprised at first but it quickly faded away as she closed her eyes and returned the love. Her arms were around his neck as his arms found their way around her waist. They didn't care that Riot was near nor did they hear him say anything for he simply turned around and waited.

Once the kiss was done, Y/n spoke in a soft gentle whisper even though his voice had become deeper and more intimidating than when they first met.

Y/n: "How about You and I spend the day together? Out there, by the hot springs or the cliff range. Just the two of us?"

She replied with a more sweet whisper.

Ahri: "Sounds perfect to me~"

Riot: "You two done now?"

He said in a joking manner as he was now facing the lovers again. They smiled at each other before turning to face him, this time with Y/n behind Ahri.

Riot: "hehe, I'll take that as a yes."

Ahri: "So what kind of guy stuff were you two talking about?"

Riot: "You know, girls, weapons, types of guys we'd like to be the shit out of. Guy stuff."

Y/n: "But truthfully, Riot was catching me up on everything he has been up to and I did the same."

Ahri: "Well please share. I'd love to know where you've been and what you have done."

Y/n gave Riot a slightly panicked looked as both now had to try and agree to a cover-up story.

Y/n: "Well... I mean from what I've heard he has been very busy!"

Riot: "Y-yes! Driving around... Ummm helping people and... ummmmm killing monsters."

Y/n: "Yeah! Big, mean powerful monsters that could easily eat a man whole!"

Riot: "And they... Live in Lava!!"

Poor boys, for Ahri knows they are both talking bullshit and that this is a waste of effort. She giggles as she says.

Ahri: "It's okay if you guys don't want to tell me so don't try so hard making up stories. Now sweety, if you'll let go I can help prepare breakfast."

She was understanding enough to not pry anymore and with the gentle tap with her arm, she eases open Y/n's grip. Once out she immediately got to work heating stoves, preparing spices, and taking out some eggs. As for the men, Riot went back to his truck to change and wash up. Yes, the compartment in his truck has a limited supply of running water.

For Y/n, after he kissed Ahri once more he quietly went to every sleeping wolf to ask if they wanted cooked or raw elk. Most said, in tired tones, that they wish cooked meat. Mostly because he hadn't asked all. Now he was heading to Clara who was sleeping peacefully on the couch however as soon as Y/n crouched down to ask she instinctively pulled him in. Her grip around his neck was firm but not enough to choke him. Her eyes remained closed as a sleepish smile grew on her face.

Y/n: "Clara... what are you... doing?"

Clara: "Mmmm~ morning alpha."

She started stroking his hair.

Clara: "Did you wake up this early just for me?~"

Y/n: "ahhh... no. I came to ask how you preferred your meat."

She gave a naughty giggle and Y/n knew exactly where this was going.

Clara: "Oh my alpha should know I prefer tough... hard meat."

He had to stop this before she went too far so in a stern, demanding voice he said.

Y/n: "Let go. Now."

Clara: "But I'm lonely alpha, besides I know you'll like this~"

Talking didn't work so Y/n used action. He grabbed both her wrists in a tight grasp before forcefully moving them away. Clara instantly opened her eyes and saw the annoyed anger plastered on Y/n face. Her muscles relaxed and let Y/n go. Her wolf ears lay flat on her head as said in a soft timid voice.

Clara: "I... I'm sorry... I'd like... cooked meat... p-please."

Y/n left for the kitchen without saying anything. As for Clara, she lay on the couch in silence. How could she let her desires take control like that? None of the other wolves are acting like this so why is she the only one? It's not unusual for mates of the pack to offer themselves to their alpha but to basically throw herself on him... that's completely out of the ordinary. But she can't stop having this feeling of longing for him. Maybe she just needs to confess her troubles and explain that she can't help herself. Maybe then Y/n will be generous enough to help her.

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