Chapter 24: Relax. For now

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The morning was extremely interesting for Y/n. Every single Direwolf came and greeted him, even those he had never met. The weird part is that they all. just sat around his bed, staring at him. It made him feel uneasy but at the same time protected. It was like he could sense their true intentions. It was still weird that they were surrounding his bed. Y/n shifted as best he could to sit up. Though it took more effort and energy he still managed to achieve his goal. Again the wolves just watched, only breaking their gaze to blink. Eventually, Y/n could not bear this anymore and asked.

Y/n: " Why are you all here?"

Diona: "Because we are worried for our alpha."

Y/n: "Okay I get it but I'm worried myself because... everyone here except Noctis is a female... and I'm afraid there is some... welcoming ceremony."

Genuine fear seeped from his words as a bead of sweat rolled down his face.

Diona: "What? No. Nothing like that. That ceremony comes later"

His heart nearly jumped up into his throat as Y/n couched. The wolves looked at each other as if they were giggling. At first, Y/n was extremely confused but soon realized they were giggling telepathically.

(Bet you guys forgot about that)

That single bead of sweat was now joined by more racing down the side of his face. Thankfully Ahri and Clara came to his rescue with a plate of food.

Clara: "That's enough. Our Alpha needs to eat."

There was a disappointing moan here and there but everyone listened and left the room. Now it's just Y/n, a beautiful fox named Ahri and Clara. All sitting on the bed. Granted it was more comfortable than the pack staring at him but Clara's presence was still uncomfortable for him. So he turned his head, with much effort, and said.

Y/n: "Clara, do you mind joining the rest of the pack?"

Clara: "I do not mind at all."

Like a servant receiving orders Clara gets up and leaves Y/n alone with Ahri. Once the door closes Y/n lets out a sigh.

Ahri: "Is something wrong?"

She gently turned his head so they could look into each other's eyes. Her yellow golden eyes showed slight concern.

Y/n: "It's just... them, the wolves. What am I supposed to do with them? It's not like I know how to be an alpha."

Ahri looked away with an expression saying she was thinking. Lucky for Y/n because she turned towards the window, allowing the light to make her face glow. To him, she looked like an angel trying to figure out how to help. He was staring so long that he failed to notice Ahri staring back.

Ahri: "Y/n? Y/n?"

Ahri tapped his shoulder which broke him out of his trance like a person waking up from a bucket of water. She giggled and gave him a sweet smile.

Ahri: "You should see this pack as they are. Wolves with an alpha. They need orders delivered with confidence."

Y/n: "That's easy for you to say. You're not the alpha."

Ahri: "No but~"

She leaned over to whisper in his ears. He wished he could feel Her warm breath hitting the side of his neck with her silky smooth words.

Ahri: "Because you are the alpha, you know what that makes me~?"

Y/n could do nothing but stubble over his words as he tried to reply.

Y/n: "Wh-wh-what i-is the-t-that?"

Ahri's whole body moved even closer to the point that her mouth was touching his ear.

Ahri: "That makes me~ your first mate~"

She gently nibbled on his ear. Too bad because he still can't feel a thing. If he could feel and move freely he would take Ahri right here right now. However, her saying that led to a very important question.

Y/n: "...if you are my first mate then... does that mean I have a second and third?"

Ahri stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes went wide, only now realizing the situation Y/n is in. Her ears lay flat on her head as her eyes stared blankly at the blanket.

Y/n: "Ahri?"

She was not responsive at all.

Y/n: "Ahri, if you are thinking about me having... uhhhhh... intimacy with any of them, I should scowl you for thinking of such. Now snap out of it."

She slowly lifts her head to look at Y/n. A small bit of life returned to her eyes as her mouth slowly opened to say something.

Ahri: "Do... you mean that... you are not... going to do it... with them?"

Y/n pulled her, with much effort, into a slow, gentle, loving hug. His hand gently petting her head between the ears and his cheek resting a little higher against her's.

Y/n: "Yes Ahri. I mean it."

A small smile grows on her face as they both stare at a long kiss. Little did they know that Clara was able to hear the conversation through the walls, thanks to her unnaturally good hearing. She felt a bit hurt and walked outside for some fresh air.

Ahri and Y/n both stayed in the hug till Y/n jokingly said.

Y/n: "You know, if I could feel my stomach it would be screaming at me. Begging me to eat."

His goal was to eat some but he didn't want to directly ask Ahri to move. Thankfully she has a good sense of humor and giggled as she lifted herself off Y/n. A small smile on her face.

Ahri: "Then I'll let you eat."

Next thing Y/n knew a plate of a semi steaming plate of eggs, toast and a steak of Elk was on his lap, and the glimpse of Ahri's tail disappearing by the door.

Y/n spent the rest of the morning. effortly eating his breakfast.

Meanwhile, Hati was taking a stroll with Noctis in the snow-covered forest. He has a bit of a limp but it is barely noticeable.

Hati: "So... how are you feeling?"

Noctis: "Alright."

Hati: "Well, that's good to hear."

She put on her most cheerful voice in hopes of lifting Noctis's spirits. Ever since he was thrown like a ragdoll into a tree.

They stayed in awkward silence for quite some time until Noctis spoke up.

Noctis: "I'm useless."

Hati was shocked to hear this. Noctis calling himself useless. She didn't know what to say or know what to do to help.

Noctis: "I could stop you from making up that prank... and I got thrown like a piece of useless trash... I... I couldn't even run away from you the first time we met... if I did then none of this would have happened. Worst... I was saved by a hu-"

Noctis stopped because Hati rested her head on his. He didn't know why but the gesture was soothing and relaxing. He felt at ease and couldn't help but relax to the point where he was forced to lie down. Hati followed suit and lied down with Noctis.

Hati: "You are not useless nor was anything you did your fault. I should have listened to you when you warned me... and others, including you, got hurt because of it."

A few moments passed before Hati continued.

Hati: "But we can't keep blaming ourselves. Instead, we must learn and move on. Otherwise, we can never grow to be better."

Noctis didn't say anything but he shifted closer to Hati, wanting to be closer to her.

They stayed there till the sun slowly set on the horizon and the airdropping to a cold temperature.

Hati: "Let's go back home."

Noctis: "...yeah."

Noctis hesitated but licked the tip of Hati's nose. Running away quickly, leaving Hati and complete confusion. Eventually, her mind came back to its senses and she walked back home.

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