Chapter 19: Get to know me.

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-Y/n's POV-

Today's the day. The day my family meets the pack more officially. I'm a little worried because of what could happen. You see, we agreed both sides would split up and spend some time with each other. So James and Paula will stay with a Direwolf each while Me, Ahri, and Hati will stay with two each. Thankfully Kayden didn't care about this whole meeting thing so he stayed out of it.
Right now I'm walking through the snow-filled forest with Diona and a human wolf I don't know. Ahri should be with Clara and an unknown. Hati the two strongest after Ahri's group. Paula with Noctis and James with the weakest of the pack. But it doesn't change the fact that Noctis is as weak as that one. Anyways. I was walking in the forest with my group. Both are extremely quiet through the unknown one doesn't seem to mind us being here. After all, he is just staring at me, smiling. It was creepy till he walked into a tree and knocked himself out. Diona and I stood over his unconscious body, looking at each other than at him. She couldn't help but let out a giggle but I was just glad his creepy gaze won't be bothering me from now on. Plus I feel I interact with people when there is no one else around.

Y/n: "So... should we take him back?"

Diona: "... he will be fine. Let us just continue."

She walked off. Strange. To be safe I tied him to the tree in case he had other plans but now I know where he is. Now it's just me and Diona... guess I'm not that good with one to one.

Diona: "Kayden said you were different and that we should be wary of you."

Thank go she started a conversation. I swear the silence was getting unbearable.

Y/n: "Well I don't know if it's supposed to be true but I'm supposed to be stronger, faster, and more durable than the average person."

Diona: "You don't believe in these capabilities?"

Y/n: "I would but... I got my ass handed to me by people... twice."

Diona: "They must have been extremely skilled because if you're able to swing at Kayden when he charged at you then you are unusual."

Y/n: "What are you getting at?"

Diona: "That you lack the skill and it's purely based on that reason that you lost."

Y/n: "Is that so?"

I tried being cheeky by swiftly swing my arm to smack her head but instead, Diona caught my attack, jumped to do a backflip while still holding my arm, and then somehow landed on top of my back. It happened so fast that I only knew where I ended up. With my face in the snow and Diona giggling.

Diona: "Three things that you did wrong. Your attack was simple, predictable, and very easy to counter"

Y/n: "Fine. You made your point. Now can you please get off me?"

She did as I asked and even helped me up. She waited for me till I was done wiping off all the snow on my clothes.

Diona: "You are definitely stronger than me but raw power can only get you so far in a fight."

I was too busy cleaning myself of snow to hear what she said but when I was done I noticed that she looked deep in thought.

Y/n: "You alright?"

Diona: "I'm going to train you how to fight."

-Meanwhile with Ahri-
-Ahri's POV-

C: "So... you live with humans and a wolf?"

We were both sitting down on the couch, The other wolf sleeping in the corner. I was staring at Clara with daggers in my eyes, not taking them off her for a second. This is what my interaction with the pack has been like. That or dead silence. I don't like wolves. It's in my nature to be untrusting of one except for Hati. She is alright but I'm unsure about this Clara and the wolf I have been assigned to watch. Well, at least it wasn't Kayden. If it was we would already be at each other's throats but Clara... she is at least trying to be friendly. Maybe I should give her a chance.

Ahri: "And?"

Clara: "I... I don't know. It's just... you staring like that is making me feel uncomfortable."

She looked away from me as I sighed.

Ahri: "You're the Beta. Right?"

Clara: "Yeah... Beta and pack Healer."

Ahri: "You enjoy your position?"

She sighed as she turned her head towards me.

Clara: "I am grateful for everything he has done for us."

Ahri: "So that's a no?"

She nods her head. I could see how uncomfortable Clara was with this and frankly I am too. I have to change the topic.

Ahri: "So d-"

Clara: "Do you...."

It would seem she had the same idea and after a few seconds of awkward silence, she spoke.

Clara: "You first."

Ahri: "I was going to ask if you use medicine for your wounded?"

Clara: "I use whatever is available. I have no healing magic so I heal with herbs and bandages."

Ahri: "Well I only know how to heal with magic."

Clara leaned forward in her seat. Her face clearly showing that she was in a little thought. Her hand covered her mouth slightly as it held her head up.

Clara: "But magic has limitations. It can't cure illnesses nor can it numb pain."

Ahri: "But the traditional way can't heal lift-threatening injuries. It could on buy one a little time before death."

We both looked up at each other and smiled. The smile turned into a small giggle.

Ahri: "Looks like to me that we are going to be good friends."


The sun, the all mighty source of light, was sitting down on the horizon. Its golden glow still covering the land. It highlighted all the features this land has to offer. From large pine trees to the smallest mammal running on the snow. All was revealed in its weakening glowing. All except for one thing. It dared not show itself to the bastard of the sun, no matter how weak its holy rays of light are.
Soon the sun could not hold on anymore and took refuge behind the snowy mountains. Their shadows slowly consumed the land and all those little critters rushed to find shelter. They knew who was coming as the shadows consumed more. Eventually, the light could not hold its grip on the land and let go. Its ray being pushed up into the sky by the coming night. The dark shadows left behind by the light slowly revealed a pair of legs floating in the darkness of the sky. The ray was almost like a curtain slowly revealing the actors on a stage.
The legs were pitch black as was the rest of the body. It wore no clothes and showed little detail. A dark mist slowly came off it. What could be seen as arms were crossed. It was staring down on the land that was completely consumed by the darkness.

Tenie: "I can see you were pulled out Lykos. That... force those wolves to carry... I can feel it too. It won't help them against Y/n... or will it?"

Tenebris smiled as she watched the land.

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