Chapter 25 : Prep

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Most of the wolves were preparing for something. They came up with this plan a day after the wolves surrounded their new alpha in his bed. Three of them, Noctis being one of them, were gathering large amounts of firewood from broken branches to the large, old fallen-down tree. Trees that were on their last legs were also brought and pretty soon the snow-covered forest was clean from any dead plants.

While those three gathered wood, another three went hunting. They made a rule that each wolf must kill two Elk and one Moose. That way each wolf can have a carcass and the family can share two.

Unfortunately one of the hunting wolves was weak so she stayed behind. A beautiful grey wolf with silver eyes. She often feels weak and can be considered the pack's runt if it was not for Noctis claiming that title. She would often lie down and every time she did James would soon join her. The two got along well and James was always there to help her.

That left one wolf of the pack to help watch over Y/n. That wolf was Clara but she was not herself, though it was extremely difficult to tell because the family hasn't known her for long. Her ears were lower than usual and her eyes didn't have the energetic lift to them. She was sitting outside on the porch watching the other wolves as they would drop off any wood or prey they found. It wasn't long when she heard heavy footsteps walkout and a loud thud next to her. Soft, gentle, snow-white fur tickled Clara's exposed arm. Clara turned to look up at Hati who was towering over her even though the massive wolf was sitting.

They both stayed like that for a while. Staring at each other, waiting for one to say something to the other.

Hati: "Well... Y/n is back on his feet."

Clara: "That's good. Means he can attend tonight's celebration."

Hati tilted her and gave Clara a look that screamed she didn't know what she was talking about.

Clara: "Didn't you know? We are celebrating Y/n for becoming the new alpha."

Hati: "Is that even necessary?"

Now Clara was the one to give Hati a confused look.

Clara: "Well it's a big deal for us. To have a new alpha is like having a new father. We don't know what to expect so we celebrate for the unknown."

Hati: "I didn't think of it like that."

Hati slowly moved her massive body from the sitting to lying down position. Her head was still held up. It allowed Clara to get a better look into her deep, sea-blue eyes.

Clara: "Your eyes are quite beautiful."

Not knowing what to say Hati rested her head on Clara's lap. Only managing to say one word after a moment.

Hati: "...thanks."

Clara: "Any time."

Clara smiled, showing a bit of her elongated, white canines. She then started petting Hati the same way as she would with Noctis, not out of affection but out of motherly love. Even though Clara has never had children she still acted like she has when someone had their head on her lap. Hati's ears shot up as soon as Clara's fingers touched her fur, they slowly sank back down. Her eyes are half-open. Clara giggled then said.

Clara: "You remind me so much of Noctis when he was little."

Hati: "Really?"

Clara: "Mhmm. He would always lay his head on my lap like this."

They both giggled but not for long.

Hati: "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Clara tilts her head to the side while looking a little curious.

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