Chapter 5 : A long journey

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-Ahri's POV-

It's cold. Why is it so cold. Did Y/n leave the door open. I slowly opened my eyes only to be met by a steel bow with a few small holes of light. What's going on? I thought I was with Y/n. I slowly try to stand up but box kept moving from side to side forcing me to land hard on my ass. As I fell I heard the jingle of a chain and only now getting a full awareness of my surrounding I lifted my hands to get a good look at the full metal handcuffs not only clamped to my wrist but also coverd my hands in metal. Looking pass the handcuffs Hati came into view. She looked badly hurt with blood stains all of her. I crawled my way to her to see if I can help. She slowly, and what looks to be painful, lifted her head looking straightat me. She has a muzzle covering her mouth that looks to be a bit too small for her. After she got a good look at me she dropped her head back down as if it is a pain to move.

Hati : A-are you ok?

Ahri : What's going on Hati? Where are we? You look really hurt? Where's Y/n? Is he alright? How long have I been out?

My fear and anxiety clearly showing through my fast but fearful questions. My eyes also to tear up as I got one last question out.

Ahri : Why is this happening?

Hati just looked at me as if see was about to cry aswell. She tried comforting me by wrapping me up close to her. My face rested on her side and I can feel her rhythmic breathing and her soft fur. It's all very soothing and I can feel myself relaxing.

Hati : Ahri if you want me to tell you what happened then you have to promise me you'll stay strong for what ever comes.

I nod my head still having one to two tears running down my face.

Hati : We have been kidnapped by the men Y/n met before we found you.

Ahri : Hati... w-where is Y/n?

Hati eyes saddened and my tears ran down her face. My gut felt like it was run over by a steam train and then torn apart by vultures.

Ahri : I-it c-c-can't b-be.

Hati : *sob* the last I saw *sob* was  Y/n on the ground *sob* with a knife in his stomach.

Hati continued crying and I followed burying my face in her side, yelling in pain and anger.

-Random Town Person POV-
(Person name is Redgrave)

Today is just like any other day in town. Boring. Nothing happens and now it's the end of the day with a giant snow storm outside. No one interesting comes by the shop anymore or it's just Dave who comes in only to annoy the shit out of me. My shop is the only place facing the north. Don't ask me why, it's how I bought it. Oh goddammit it's Dave and just when I was about to lock up.

Dave : HEY RED!!!! Sell anything today?! You know I was wondering if I can borrow one of your... special items.

Redgrave : No you can't take a gun just to try and impress some lady.

Why does he always do this.

Redgrave : Just go home cause I'm tried of your bullshit and I'm locking up so I can go home.

Dave : Fine. A least let me walk you home through this storm we're having.

Redgrave : For your information I'm not a girl.

Dave : But you act like one.

This is why no one likes him. I got my things and went outside into the cold snow storm trying to lock the front door. Dave, still recovering from his joke stood next to me while I lock the door.

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