Chapter 15 : A new friend

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-Hati's POV-

For the past few months since the night both I and Y/n could not sleep, Y/n had been increasingly more and more alert. Y/n had also been constantly asking me about the feeling I got and if it was getting stronger. The problem is that it was and the intensity is getting stronger. It's hard to describe but it is like a deep fear growing, not daring to let me know when or where the source of this fear is coming from. The other thing is that everyone has had some kind of warning. Y/n told me about his warning from Lykos, Ahri had the same feeling as me just much worse, Paula had a nightmare of a shadowy figure approaching our home, and James noticed a change in the local animal's behavior. It's putting all of us on edge. So much so that Y/n has asked Tenebris to widen her patrol area and to look for anything out of the ordinary. I have been asked to do all the hunting just so Y/n can stay as close to the family as to protect them. It's tiring but I'm ok with it. I can understand why he would ask that of me.

Right now though I am lying down playing with Paula and James. Their adorable laughter and happy smiles can brighten the day of the most bitter of people. Ahri is reading a book while resting on a sleeping Y/n. All her tails out, covering her like a blanket of fur. Now and then I would catch her looking up from her book to see Paula and James's smiles however this time she is putting the book down and looking at me.

Hati: "Is everything alright."

Ahri: "Yes, I just wanted to ask you a favor."

Hati: "Of course."

She seemed a bit embarrassed about asking for this favor, with her slight shifting and turning.

Ahri: "Well next week will be the anniversary of the day you two found me and I would like to make you guys a special dish. The problem is that we're almost out of Elk and I really need more before then so..."

Hati: "You would like me to go hunting for some more?"

I was right when I thought she looked embarrassed because now she lowered her head and gave a small nod.

Paula: "OOH can we go with big sis this time!?"

James: "Yeah! Big sis needs us to protect her!"

Those two are too adorable. With them giving puppy dog eyes it's hard to say no. I swear you could see little stars in their eyes.

Ahri: "No. You two know fully that you're not ready to go hunting. Not only that Y/n has asked you to say close to the house."

Like ashamed warriors, they hung their head down and in a defeated voice, they both replied.

Paula&James: "Yes mom."

It was about two months ago that Paula and James started calling us with titles. I got big sis because I always play with them and Ahri and Y/n got Mom and Dad. I'm sure they were secretly wanting.

Hati: "Don't worry you two I will be back before dark so we can play some more."

Paula&James: "YAY!!"

So adorable.

Hati: "Hehe I should get going before I waste any more time."

Ahri: "Don't take too long".

Without another second to waste, I make my way outside to hunt for the Elk Ahri wanted.

-??? POV-

As I looked around this new land, the overwhelming joy and excitement overcame me. The elders said that this was our home and that it was the most beautiful place I would have ever seen. Well, they're right. I've never been here before but our old home was terrible. It was dry, hot, and we barely any food to hunt or gather. Our group used to be more than 40 members, now we're only 9... Anyways ever since we came back our group spent a few months introducing me and the others who have never been here to the old territories so, by the time I was ordered to do some scouting, the forests were covered in snow. This cold, chilling breeze is a wonderful experience compared to the hot deserts I'm used to. The terrain is also pleasant as the snow covers every single inch of the land, even getting stuck in the pine trees branches, and bark. I've also never seen so much wildlife before. All the birds, elk, moose, and other animals I never imagined existed. I was supposed to be scouting further North but instead, I was following a group of Elk walking across a large plain. They didn't know I was following them as I kept my distance, afraid of scaring them away. I must have been following them for a few hours and I can never seem to be not fascinated by them as they walk together towards a rapidly flowing river. I wanted to keep following but something felt off. Like someone was stalking me or the Elk.

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