Chapter 33: Questions

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Y/n was still the first awake even though everyone went to bed late, 2 am for the latest. At this time the sun's light is fighting against the night for control of the sky. Soft orange and deep blue colours, littered with the bright glowing stars of a peaceful night. A perfect morning, only to be made better with the still white snow and quiet trees.

Y/n could see all of this from his bedroom but unfortunately for the scene as his eyes were on another beauty. Ahri... To him, she was the most beautiful image nature could ever create, with her nine perfect whitetails, her smooth untouched skin, and the cute expression she made while sleeping. Nothing could be better.

In a soft voice, Y/n spoke to Tenebris who was silently watching the sky.

Y/n: "Tenie... do you think I should go through with it?"

Tenie: "Depends what you mean with it."

He gently gave a few pets to Ahri before shifting his sight on his shadow. A small blush came to his face as he said.

Y/n: "Well... marrying Ahri..."

This stole Tenebris's attention faster than a hawk diving towards its prey. Her shadowy expression only showed confusion with surprise.

Tenie: "Sorry... what?"

Y/n: "...yeah... do you think I should?"

In an instant Tenebris is at the foot of the bed staring into his eyes. A look he has never seen on her. A glimpse of... joy.

Tenie: "I may not be the best one to be asked that but trust me when I say I have never met anyone more in love than you. Remember how you felt when she first kissed you?"

Yes, he does. His heart raced like a galloping horse just by thinking about it... the day Ahri made her feelings for him known.

Y/n: "I do remember..."

His blush started to grow in strength and colour as he closed his eyes to remember more clearly. As he did so Ahri gently snuggled closer, letting her head rest on his racing heart. Tenebris waited till his eyes opened once more before saying.

Tenie: "...She is the one for you."

There is a hint of sadness in her voice which was quickly followed by a sound of regret. She turned her head to look back out the window and for some reason, Y/n can feel her emotions and hear her thoughts.

Tenie: -"Why did I think he was weak... why....."-

Y/n said Nothing, he just kept on listening and trying to understand what was going on.

Tenie: -" every time I see them... I just... can't stop... thinking about how I betr-"-

Y/n: "Tenie... stop."

She turned to look at Y/n with great confusion and asked in a voice that he can tell she forced. Similar to how a friend would pretend to be okay after getting hurt.

Tenie: "Stop what?"

Y/n: " only betrayed me because I'm human... hell if I was in your spot I would have done the same thing."

Tenebris's eyes widen as she slowly floated towards Y/n. She only stopped when she was three inches away from Y/n's face.

Tenie: "...did..... did you hear.... my thoughts?"

Y/n: "Judging by your reaction I'd say yes."

She immediately gave Y/n a hug, the feeling of regret and sadness now washed away and replaced with excitement and joy. What was going on, why was Tenebris all of a sudden hugging him? He would soon find out.

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