Chapter 40: Where Roads End

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Hello everyone, sry for the extremely long wait but University has been rough XD. Anyways this is going to be a long chapter.... a really long chapter. I have a reason for this and you will find out why in the chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it ^^

The air is cold and cruel, making time seem to move painfully slow. It was so cold that Y/n's lungs stung every time he took a breath. Eventually, the pain subsided as his body adapted to the cold and soon he gained full consciousness. He tried looking around but the room was as dark and empty as a void.

Y/n: "Lykos?...."

There was a reply... but it was not Lykos.

???: "Who is this Lykos?"

The voice was unfamiliar, cold, and sinister. A strange sense of calm and control followed the voice as if the person knew they were safe. It also had a strange robotic static followed by labored breathing through some sort of filter as if the figure is wearing a mask. The voice asked again.

???: "Who. Is. Lykos?"

Riot: "n-no....none..... o-of.... y-your busi-"

It was all too clear to Y/n. He and Riot have been captured and are now being interrogated by someone from this place. From the sound of it, Riot has been awake for quite some time and subjected to painful methods of weeding out information. Thankful, Y/n can tell that they haven't broken Riot yet... but how long can he last?

???: "Let me ask again."

Suddenly, lights all around lit with a blinding white color. Y/n was forced to shut his eyes before slowly adjusting to the new environment. After adjusting, he can see before him a beaten Riot, tied, chained, and clamped to a chair to ensure there was no way for him to escape. His armour had been stripped off in certain places. Most noticeably his chest and stomach. Blood slowly leaked out from his helmet as a tray of an assortment of bloodied tools stood next to him.

Standing between Riot and Y/n was a finely dressed man with a golden mask/helmet on. His attire didn't do anything to hide his size and build. A lean body and sharp shoulders gave the man the perfect figure. The kind that sculptures crave statues to forever immortalize. To say that he gave an overwhelming presence is an understatement. The man only made this presence worse when he leaned forward and asked again.

???: "Who is Lykos?"

Y/n: "... A voice in my head..."

???: "So you are insane. Just like your friend here."

The man proceeded to punch Riot in the stomach with tremendous force but he kept looking at Y/n. It was the kind stare that someone gives when they are searching for something in a person.

???: "Alright Y/n L/n. Here is how things are going to work. I ask you a question and if your answer is not satisfactory then."

He turns his gaze toward Riot to make an unheard point.

???: "I'm sure you get the idea."

Y/n: "....who... are you..."

He answered without an ounce of hesitation.

???: "Arcados. Director of this facility that you and Riot so easily disrupted. Now, why are you working with the SCP foundation?"

Y/n: "I... I don't know who they are..."

Arcados didn't like that answer and punched Riot across the face, breaking the helmet into multiple pieces. In Riot's defenses, he took it pretty well and even had the strength to defend Y/n, which in turn would defend himself.

Riot: "He... d-doesn't.... know...."

Arc: "Is that so? So the great Demon of Blades needed the help of some poor fuck in the middle of the wilderness. So sad."

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