Chapter 21 : Which Alpha?

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The midnight sky was clear, allowing the green and blue northern lights to shine in all their glory. The entire land seemed to pause just so all the little critters to the monstrous predators could watch the beat you that little the skies. Even the Direwolves, who was exciting about eating a few moose Elk carcasses, stopped to watch.

Ahri had her head on Y/n's chest with her fluffy tails acting as a blanket for the both of them. Y/n's right held Ahri close while the other gently stroked her tails. The soft fur tickled his hand as strands would slip in between his fingers.

Everyone else was either sleeping, like Paula and James, or lying down next to each other staring at the sky. Clara however stood up and walked up to Y/n and Ahri. She had her arms crossed while shivering slightly and in a calm, quiet voice she asked.

Clara: "Can I join you?"

Y/n looked down at Ahri who gave a nod of approval, then looked back at Clara.

Y/n: "Sure."

She smiled and sat down next to Y/n, resting her head on his shoulder. Her arm brushed up against his and it was cold. Instinctively he pulled Clara closer. She didn't even resist but instead accepted his warmth.

Clara: "It's been so long since I saw these lights. I would even dream about them."

Y/n: "I would too if I was separated from them for years."

She gave off a small, relaxed sigh as she closed her eyes.

Clara: "You're a kind human. Please stay that way."

Ahri: "He will."

Ahri snuggled closer and Y/n was officially trapped between them but he didn't mind. He was enjoying the night too much.

Meanwhile, Hati and Noctis had been preparing their prank on Kayden. Hati was setting up a stuffed Elk while Noctis looked for a spot to hide and watch. He wanted to make sure that the spot had three things. Good view, hard to see from the outside and an escape route just in case things go south.

Noctis: "Are you sure this is going to work?"

Hati: "This isn't the first stuffed elk Y/n made. Trust me I know what happened to the others."

Noctis: "Still... I don't like that we're doing this."

Hati chuckled as she finished setting it up.

Hati: "This is going to be so funny. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees it's just a fake."

She turned around and joined Noctis in their little viewing area, waiting for their prank to set off. Luckily they didn't need to wait long as a hungry Kayden slowly came closer. He was in his wolf form as he found it easier to hunt his prey. The only reason is that it feels more natural for him.

Kayden only saw a portion of the fake Elk thanks to the trees and bushes. It looked like a real Elk from his point of view so he did what any other predator would do. He slowly snuck up closer to his prey and when he felt close enough he pounced at it. His massive body instantly crushed the Elk as his teeth found a way to its neck ripping off the hide. Kayden chewed once before the taste of cotton stuffing forced him to spit it out. He looked down expecting to see blood but only saw more cotton stuffing laying on the floor. Kayden closed his eyes to hide the pure fury he felt. It also allowed him to focus on the scents and sounds nearby. Kayden heard a giggle and whisper coming from a bush. As soon as he opened his eyes he saw two wolves running away. He was able to recognize both. A laughing Hati and shit scared Noctis. Kayden changed back to his human form and said silently.

Kayden: "I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Meanwhile while back at the house everyone was still enjoying the night sky when all the Wolves and Ahri raised their ears.

Y/n: "Is everything okay?"

Ahri: "I can hear Hati laughing"

She turned her head to look at Y/n.

Ahri: "But why?"

The laughing got louder and louder till everyone could see who was the source of it. Both the young wolves were out of breath but only one of them was wasting more on laughing. Hati couldn't control herself, she couldn't even talk to anyone. Clara stood up and asked.

Clara: "Noctis? Please explain why Hati is laughing like this."

Noctis looked down before saying in a terrified voice.

Noctis: "We.....p-pranked... K-k-Kayden."

There was a murmur among everyone but if you had to join the group now you wouldn't be able to tell as the murmur died in an instant, leaving nothing but complete silence. The only form of any sound was Hati's laughter.

Clara: "Noctis... I-"

Clara was interrupted by a loud crashing bang coming from the forest. Followed by Kayden walking slowly in the snow. His feet crushing the snow beneath him with every step. His eyes showed nothing but anger and fury.

Everyone moved out of his way as he walked straight to Noctis and Hati. Kayden spoke so softly no one heard him.

Kayden: "I'm gonna teach you... I'm gonna teach you..."

Kayden grabbed Noctis by the back of his neck and threw him into a tree. Noctis yelped as he collided with the tree and fell to the soft snow, unconscious. Hati's laughing stopped instantly as she saw what happened to Noctis. She desperately ran in between Kayden and the little unconscious wolf.

Hati: "The hell is wrong with you! It was just a small prank!"

Kayden stared down at Hati, eyes burning bright with fury. His words were slow and full of hate.

Kayden: "Move... now."

Hati stood her ground knowing she is the only thing preventing Kayden from hurting Noctis.

Kayden: "Fine."

Kayden raised his hand in preparation to slap Hati however his hand was caught as it was about to swing.

Y/n: "Leave. Hati. Alone."

Y/n was staring into Kayden's eyes while both their arms shook from the shear strength both put in. Kayden was beyond pissed at this point but he didn't attack.

Kayden: "I need to discipline my pack."

Y/n: "My house. My rules and I'm telling you to calm the fuck down."

Both Alphas were now facing each other. Though Kayden was taller than Y/n, it wasn't by much. Everyone was dead silent as they have never seen anyone challenge Kayden before. At least Clara and Ahri were the only ones trying to help Noctis by carrying him into the house. Kayden tilted his head as he asked.

Kayden: "Are you challenging me?"

Y/n: "Yes. I am."

Y/n showed no fear as Kayden growled a deep bellowing growl. Both had their muscles tensed in preparation for either to attack. Everyone else watched with a mix of fear and curiosity. One person, in particular, was paying close attention to the sky.

Tenebris had her arms crossed and a small smile on her face. Her eyes lit with a small white light as her excitement grew by the second. The same dark mist emanated from her and sank towards the grow. She spoke so no one else could hear.

Tenebris: "Thanks Y/n. You saved me the trouble. Now let's see how much you are willing to put in this fight."

She suddenly looked to her right. If anyone else had to look they would see nothing but Tenebris can see someone very familiar.

Tenebris: "I know Lykos... but I need to see for myself. Besides, if he wins you will return..... He won't let Kayden live... if he does then I'll give Y/n and reason to kill. Relax. I have it all planned out."

Tenebris looked down at the two Alphas waiting for the other to make a move. She smiled once more before saying to herself.

Tenebris: "Which Alpha will win?"

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