Chapter 36: Laughter all round.

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Everyone, except for the newly engaged couple, returned to the cozy cabin before the sun was able to set. Diona sat on the couch, panting of exhaustion and sweating a storm. As for Riot, he is calmly prepping dinner with a sweat towel around his neck. He was whistling a sweet tune signaling his endless supply of energy, almost as a way to mock Diona.

Riot: "You know, you did surprisingly well."

Still, out of breath, Diona tilts her head in his direction. She looks defeated but still has a smile on her face.

Diona: "Y-you... are now... th-the second... h-h-human to... beat.... me..."

Riot: "Shhhh, catch your breath first. Then you can talk."

She gave a hearty chuckle, returning to her panting state. He resumed sharpening the knives and cleaning the vegetables with the assistance of Olivia. For her, it's a nice experience that she rarely gets. It's the same for Riot... so nice that both took a glance at each other. Confusion mixed with Olivia's smile as she whispered to Riot.

Olivia: "Is... this what a normal life is like?"

Riot shrugs. How could he know? He's never had an experience like this, hell he wasn't even sure if he was cutting the vegetables right. The knives on the other hand have never been sharper. As expected from a man like him. But what kind of man was he? A simple question that, of all people in the house, Clara has been asking for some time but the person in question has always been too busy to ask. But now it's her chance to speak with this questionable human. As she approached, she could feel the same sense of fear she felt the first night she met Riot.

Clara: "Olivia, can you give me and Riot a moment alone?"

The two glance towards Clara who was now standing opposite them from the counter.

Clara: "I can take over for you while I talk to Riot."

Being a loyal companion, Olivia made sure it was fine with Riot before walking off to everyone else. Clara kept to her word and took over Olivia's job by helping to cut and clean the vegetables. An uneasy feeling hung between them.

Riot: "So you want to talk?"

Clara: "Yeah, I'm just curious... How is it that you can out endure a Direwolf? I mean I can understand Y/n being able to last but you... you are a mystery to be."

Riot: "There are a lot of things that would confuse you."

His answer was not enough for her so she pressed the conversation forward.

Clara: "Well, explain to me how you can do that?"

He stopped cutting and gently put the knife down. Riot slowly turned to face Olivia as he leaned against the counter. He doesn't have a smile nor was he amused.

Riot: "So what, I'm supposed to explain how a person like myself can train their bodies to become stronger?"

Clara: "No, but you are different. There has to be something that is helping you like Y/n has his abilities and shadow to help him... what do you have?"

He stared at the curious wolf for some time before giving her his final answer.

Riot: "Some things are better left unsaid. Trust me, the truth is much worse than the lie."

With that, Riot singled for Olivia's return. He wasn't going to reveal everything to a wolf, especially one that is too curious. Thankfully his partner was ready and within seconds was behind Clara. The tension between them all three of them grew to levels never felt before. The co-leader of a wolf pack staring down a human with an unnatural aura. Everyone in the cabin stared in anticipation. Who will back down first? Who will give in to the urge to look away?

As one might guess, Clara was the first to break underneath Riot's cold, killer stare. He smirks knowing that he still has his intimidating glare. He decides to keep his glare locked on Clara, just to reinforce his control over her. However, the tension didn't last as the cabin door soon burst open for a windy gust. On the other side stood Y/n with a napping Ahri in his arms. A pretty smile plastered on her face. A smile was also on Y/n's face as he observed the broken tension between everyone.

Y/n: "We didn't miss anything? Right?"

Diona: "Y-you missed... something."

She chuckles with a nod to Clara backing away from Riot. He chuckles with Diona as he walks to the couch. Y/n sat next to Diona with Ahri resting on top of him. She cuddles into him with a quiet moan. Her tails were wagging slowly while her arms grip a little tighter.

Y/n: "So, who is going to tell me what I missed?"

Hati: "Well, it's just Riot and Clara having a small stand-off."

Y/n: "Who won?"

Hati: "Take a guess."

A sly smile grows on Y/n's face as he replies.

Y/n: "Clara of course."

He specifically looked at Riot when he said that, just to watch his friend's face contort into horror.

Riot: "Y/n! How could you!"

Everyone laughed. Well, except for Clara and Ahri, though the sleeping fox did wake up from the joyish laughter. She gives a long yawn before getting a bearing of her surroundings. Granted the laughter only made her more confused but not to the point of asking what was going on. Instead, she stretched and yawned. When finishing with that she returns to her comfy spot on Y/n and says.

Ahri: "Have you told them yet?"

He coughs a bit before saying with a small blush.

Y/n: "Ummm... no."

Ahri: "Well go on. Tell them."

Riot: "Tell us What?"

Riot asked after walking into the living room to hear what Y/n had to say.

Y/n: "Okay well... umm what I have to tell you is pretty big. Not only for the family but the pack as well. Now I'd jus-"

Ahri: "Oh for crying out loud! Y/n and I are getting married!"

Ahri's sudden outburst came purely because Y/n was stalling and afterward there was nothing but silence. One second passes and the wind outside rustles the leaves and kicks up any loose snow. Two seconds pass and Olivia returns to cutting vegetables very slowly. James decided to give a small gasp to try and lighten the atmosphere currently controlling the room.

On the fourth second everyone, from all the wolves like Noctis, Dhrama, Clara, and Diona to the kids and the two trained killers cheered with excitement. Neither Y/n nor Ahri knew what was going on but it didn't stop them from smiling. In the mists of the chaos, Ahri whispered to Y/n.

Ahri: "I think they are more excited than us."

She was right as in the next few seconds things got really out of hand. Hati stood up and shouted.


Followed by her running out the door, Noctis quickly joined her by dashing for the door.

Noctis: "I'll join her!"

Soon many of the wolves ran outside shouting that they were going to get fresh meat or find pretty flowers, which is impossible as there is nothing but snow, or will start working on preparations for massive fire. Even James tried running out to help but luckily he was stopped by Dharma before he could escape. Soon the only people in the house were the two love birds, Paula and James with Dharma, and the two killers who resumed their work.

Riot: "Well, I may not know much about cooking but tonight Olivia and I will make dinner."

Olivia: "Or we'll try."

They laughed at each other's inexperience and started their attempt. Luckily Paula jumped up and ran over to them. She knows a thing or two about cooking thanks to Ahri so dinner may be edible. As for the love birds, they just embraced each other and waited, for the next few days are going to be busy.

Hello guys. I hope you are enjoying these few relaxed chapters. Next will be the wedding!! Woohoo!!
And once the wedding is over we can get back to so intense, deadly action >:3

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