Chapter 30: Hello old friend

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???: "Y/n. Wakie wakie."

The voice is all too familiar to Y/n. Last he remembers is falling asleep with Ahri, the kids, and Clara who made sure they slept well. He remembers the feeling of his straw bed on his back, smooth but rough at the same time. However, that feeling is gone and was replaced with nothing, like he is standing or floating.

???: "Come on Y/n. It's been ages."

He slowly opened his eyes. All he could see through his blurry vision was the familiar black void but this time there are a few lighter shades of black, swirling around and moving like mist. It also acted like mist as they made it difficult to see a figure in the distance when he sat up. Y/n tried squinting but a voice distracted him.

???: "Really? I'm right here."

He turned towards the source of the voice, only to see the beautiful Lykos sitting next to him. Both her legs lay to her left as she held the rest of her weight with her right arm.

She was very close, so close that both Y/n and Lykos' noses were nearly touching. Granted Y/n thought this was very weird but it wasn't weird enough to be uncomfortable. He noticed that Lykos was also wearing very suggestive clothes that kind of looked similar to Ahri's undergarments. So he had to ask.

Y/n: "Two things Lykos. What and why are you wearing those clothes right now?"

She gave a surprisingly cute giggle.

Lykos: "Observant as ever. These are a replica of Ahri's underwear and I have them on only for you~"

Her slightly seductive tone sent a cool chill down his spine. A chill that could have only meant that this interaction was heading in one direction. Lykos leaned closer, proving to Y/n where this is going, and allowing her soft chest to against his left arm. She gently turned his head and whispered into his ear.

Lykos: "This is thanks for destroying that ring~"

She leaned in to kiss Y/n but was unsuccessful as he pushed Lykos away. At first, she was confused but then hung her head and said.

Lykos: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have attempted that... after all... I did try to kill you 3 years ago..."

Y/n felt bad as he knew Lykos had gotten to like him over the years of watching from his mind. He felt bad because he wanted to kiss her but something else had to come first. He gently raised her head by the chin and stared into her purple eyes.

Y/n: "It's not because you tried killing me in the past. I want to know why Tenebris betrayed me."

Her mood changed instantly from slightly disappointed to stern. She looked at the figure in the distance and then back at Y/n.

Lykos: "All she told me was that she wanted to see who was a stronger bit from what I saw she clearly took aside."

Y/n: "Is that her?"

Lykos gave a small nod as she stood up. Her clothes changed to the shiny purple dress she usually wears. After turning to the figure she spoke in a growl.

Lykos: "Stop hiding."

The figure flinches, ducking down as if a ball was about to hit their heads. When nothing happened the figure came out of the mist.

Lykos: "Explain to us Tenebris. Why did you betray Y/n?"

Her voice was stern and cold and her face had no mercy either. Right then Lykos was a threatening force that even scared Y/n a bit. Tenebris purposely avoided making eye contact with either Y/n or Lykos. She held her one arm and mumbled.

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