Chapter 41: Take the fight to Them

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The entire Alaskan landscape was quiet. Not a single song from the birds or the calm footsteps of passing animals. Even the wind dare not whistle on this day of mourning. Only the snow continued its gentle rain over the land. Not even the Direwolf pack made a sound. They only knew that today was a quiet day not sure why as they continued their hunt. Everything and everyone allowed Y/n and Riot to slowly prepare for a funeral they would perform themselves.

Riot spent the day walking in the forest and gathering firewood and piling them in a neat rectangular shape. It didn't take him long to finish but he needed a pile for each member of the fallen family as well as making them a meter high.

As for Y/n, he was allowed to mourn for his family. When the time came for it and a pile was done he would set them up onto the pile in a position that looked calm and rest fall.

In the middle of the night, the piles were completed and the family was positioned on each one. Riot was just finishing up a few touches to make it easier for the wood to burn. While he did that Y/n searched the rubble and ashes of his home. Looking for anything he can save. Nothing looked familiar to him... except for a single black fur rug slightly covered in ash. His hands gently caressed the fur when he heard Lykos' voice speak in a soothing tone. This time it didn't sound like a voice in his head but it sounded like she was right next to his ear.

Lykos: "... Often... even the strongest predators fall... yet there will always be something to remember them by... Ahri... Hati... Olivia... Paula and... James... they were all strong predators... and will all be remembered..."

Y/n carefully picked up the rug and allowed it to hang over his shoulders like a makeshift coat with no sleeves.

Y/n: "... I don't want to remember them for who they were... I wanted to live with them to see what they become... to see the lives they would have enjoyed."

Lykos: "We both know... that's impossible now..."

Y/n: "...I will find a way..."

With those words, Y/n left the ruins of his home to join Riot by the funeral piles. Neither man said anything to the other as they watched the bodies lay on the wood piles. During the wait, Tenebris formed next to Y/n away from Riot. She looked uneasy and seemed to be forcing her natural instincts down as she asked.

Tenie: "Should we... each say a few words?"

The wind blew, allowing Riot to take a deep breath and begin the funeral.

Riot: "Yes... we should say our final goodbyes... Ahri, Hati... James and Paula... you all were the prime example of a happy family... A family that laughed... cried... and yelled together. I'm sorry for bringing you into my life... into the dangers that follow me. Olivia... you were the lighthouse guiding my sanity through the storms we faced... and... I'm not sure if I'll ever find a partner like you ever again..."

With his final words, Riot lit a torch and stood at the ready.

Tenie: "Throughout my endless life... I have witnessed almost everything one needed to know about humans... I saw them fight each other... kill their lands... and lose their ways over and over again... but you guys... Y/n and Ahri... you showed me the love humanity has and the lengths you are willing to go through to protect it... James and Paula... even though my experience with you two was limited... you still showed me the joy and curiosity that get you out of bed each day... May your trips into the afterlife lead you to places of wonder and happiness."

She gave a respectful bow for a few seconds before turning her silhouette head towards Y/n. Before he spoke he had handed out at Riot to which he put the lit torch in it. With a step forward, he began his goodbyes.

Y/n: ".......... Why... Why did life... Fate... God... have to take you away from me... have I... not suffered enough... have I not done... enough..."

It was at this moment that Riot and Tenebris can hear the anger and determination raise in his hurt tone.

Yn: "What else... What else... did I have to do... Is this... just a sick game... of life... if it is... then I'm done playing. I'm done taking a shit."

He steps up to Ahri and gently caresses her cold cheek.

Yn: "This is goodbye for now... because I promise you I will find you again in the afterlife and bring you back... I swear it on my life."

With that he allowed his forehead to rest against Ahri before giving her one last kiss and lowering the torch.

Just are the flames of the torch were about to light the piles, Everyone heard a soft, gentle voice, followed by the full moon shining brighter.

???: "Burn the body and you won't able to bring her back."

Everyone instantly turned around to see a woman glowing in the moonlight. Her clothes were a mix of light armour while still being very fashionable, allowing the stunning figure of the woman to show. The dress has quite a few crescent moon designs along the bottom folds of the dress. Her smile is soft yet practiced and her left eye has a blue marking underneath it. Aside from her cute yet beautiful face, the most noticeable aspects about her were her cyan blue, fox-like ears and tail which calmly swayed behind her.

 Aside from her cute yet beautiful face, the most noticeable aspects about her were her cyan blue, fox-like ears and tail which calmly swayed behind her

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Almost instantly Riot and Tenebris readied for a fight while Y/n stood still.

Riot: "You have 5 seconds to tell us who you are and what you want."

The woman just giggled in response. Not in an evil or sinister way but in an amusing way.

Io: "My name is Io, the Lunar Goddess, and I want to help you get your friends and family back."

Tenie: "And we're just supposed to believe you!"

Io: "Well, one I'm a goddess, and I plan to help you for something in return, two why would I lie, and three I wouldn't be here if all I was going to do is lie to you. Besides, it's much better to accept help from a god than a demon."

Y/n slowly approached her, still holding the lit torch, and leaned over her. His eyes met hers as he asked.

Y/n: "How... how would you help us..."

She returned a sweet smile and said.

Io: "By finding their souls, giving you the tools necessary to get the souls and most importantly, bring them back from the dead."

Still being skeptical, Riot walked up next to Y/n and watched Io as she talked before asking.

Riot: "And what do you want in return."

With the moment of silence and seeming growing energy from Io, she smiled once more before saying the next few words that would change Y/n and Riot's life forever.

-End of Story-

And that is the end of the book!! Woohoo!! 42 chapters all lead up to this.

Now I'm not entirely sure when book two gonna be released cause I'll probs be focusing more on my other book but I promise I will write it! Hope you guys enjoyed this book and I'll see you next time.

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