Chapter 11 : Home

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WOOAAH 1,500 views. TBH I didn't think so many would read my story in the amount of time I first published it. Please let me know what you guys think of it so far. Now on to the story!

-Y/n POV-

Ever since the night of Riot's... episode, it was smooth sailing. Tenebris recovered enough to go back to the shadows after she explained to Ahri and Hati what she is and how I know her. We'll just say that their faces were priceless when they realized the connection with the Shade Wolf, Lykos. The kids didn't know what on earth she's talking about and Hati promised them that I'll let them in on the story. The riot was fast asleep for who knows how long. It makes one wonder what that man really does to be so exhausted because he's so deep in his sleep you could dump him in a lake and he wouldn't wake up. We eventually caught up with Red who was worried as hell. I sometimes forget how nice Red and his town are. They didn't have to worry or help. For all, they could care I'm just a stranger living in the wild.

Ahri: Y/n~.

Ahri had been using my lap as a pillow. She's so cute looking up with those sleepy, golden, morning eyes. I could feel myself blush while she stretched her arms and yawned. Her yawn was small but that only made it cuter.

Ahri: Are we there yet?

Y/n: We're close.

Ahri: Hmm... wake me up when we're there.

And before I could even say anything she went back to sleep. Her slow rhythmic breathing only proved she was fast asleep. Looking for any else to help keep my mind away from a very distracting fox so I turned my attention to the monitor, that shows the large container, to see how everyone is doing. Even though it's early in the morning it didn't stop the kids playing with Hati. They would grab Hati's tail and hold on for dear life as they were lifted up and gently swung around. There was only one problem I can see or rather can't see. Riot is gone for view. Out of nowhere, a hand smacked the passager window scaring me and waking up Ahri immediately. Next came an unimpressed Riot. First off how the hell did he get out of the container and second why is he out there. He gestures to Ahri to open the door which she did hesitantly.

Riot: Sorry. I don't do well around kids.

Ahri: Oh~ is it because they get on your soft side.

Riot actually looked embarrassed and Ahri noticed this as well but soon started to laugh.


Riot : What?

I was also confused and wanted to know what was funny.

Ahri: hahaha the big bad monster can't handle some kids HAHAHA!

I don't know how that is funny but Ahri's going to enjoy it for a while. I think it's alright if he can't handle kids, it shows a more humane side of him. Ahri started to settle down and wipe away the tears of laughter. One moment she was giggling the next she dead quiet with a look of excitement plastered to her face. Her eyes were gleaming like a child given a sweet and her ears stood straight as an arrow, pointing towards the sky. The reason for her sudden change lay in front of us. The Town was on the horizon. I let out a sigh of relief knowing we're almost home but then it hit me faster than a bullet. There is no home. Just a pile of ash waiting to be blown away never to be seen again. I looked over at Ahri who was too excited to even notice the pain on my face but Riot did. By the looks of it, he knew exactly what happened and.... who did it. We both kept quiet all the way into town where we were greeted by most of the townspeople except they didn't look too friendly. With men holding makeshift weapons and mothers ushering kids to get inside. I don't understand why they're like this. Is it the truck? Surly Red called ahead.

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