Chapter 28: What is next?

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Everything, from the whistle of the wind to the tiniest mouse scurrying in its borrows, was quiet. Nothing but the flames burning in the fireplace could be heard. The flames forcing the shadows to dance with every flicker.
Only one person was enjoying this sight and warmth, Kayden. He was enjoying the spoils of victory he had over Y/n 2 days ago. The warm fire was one of those spoils, others were the cooked meat and of course his pack.
Kayden was still watching the flames and shadows dance when the shadows suddenly stopped moving. They all moved in unison the form a silhouette that stepped out towards Kayden.

Kayden: "Did you find the bodies? Tenebris?"

Tenie: "Yes, the fox's legs are broken with a branch sticking out her chest. Y/n-"

Kayden interrupted Tenebris, saying with anger and a hint of paranoia.

Kayden: "Didn't that bitch of a black wolf teach you not to say the names of the dead?!"

She wanted to kill him for disrespecting Lykos but she knew she couldn't because Y/n has to do the job if he wants the pack back. However, she can put him in his place. She rose, making herself appear bigger while darkness emanated from her back.

Tenie: "No, She didn't teach me any of that. However, she did teach me the game of power."

She slowly approached Kayden. Her menacing aura taking over all the light in the room. First, the windows were covered, next, the fire in the fireplace vanished and the last thing Kayden knew was that he was staring into a void of darkness. The only form of light is Tenebris's glowing white eyes. Kayden remained silent as Tenebris continued.

Tenie: "See taught me how to see the weak and all of their dreams and desires. How to give them hope, power, and a chance to achieve their goals. Lastly, she taught me how to take it all away, just for our own amusement. Now let me ask you, which state do you think you are in?"

Before he answered he looked around, breaking from the gaze of Tenebris, only to see thousands of black tentacle-like spikes. Similar to the dark blades he saw a long time ago but these are not quite the same. He turned back round to stare into Tenebris's glowing eyes.

Tenie: "That's right. You are in the late stage that counts so be sure not to disrespect my previous master."

The darkness vanished into thin air along with Tenebris. The fire looked weak but still kept burning and the curtains to the windows were partially closed, only allowing the bare minimum of light in. Kayden thought it was Tenebris's way of letting him know that she is still close, watching his every move and word. Even though Tenebris threatened his lift it didn't matter for he didn't care. He knows she can't hurt her new master and he knows none of the other wolves are strong enough to do what he did for power. So who else can even challenge him?

Y/n was sitting in a makeshift shelter made of pine firns and sticks. The shelter was also big enough for four people. It looks like large coffee from the outside, but the ground was dug away to provide more space. It wasn't much but it provided warmth from the cold outside as any snow caught on the firns acted like an insulator.
Ahri was lying against Y/n's chest, healing as much of her legs as possible. She was in a state where she could bend her knees but couldn't move her toes. Enough to be able to walk on her own.
Y/n sighed as he waited for a certain someone. He has been waiting for some time now but luckily they came back. In the far corner rose Tenebris, who was looking down. She said nothing to Y/n or Ahri, just waited. Finally, Y/n asked.

Y/n: "Did you find them?"

Tenebris gave a small nod before looking up and saying.

Tenie: "They are both hiding in the cellar, using Lykos's skin to stay warm and to hide their scent. They have also been eating the winter food stored so they are not staving."

He sighed in relief, knowing that at least the kids are not suffering. Y/n looked down to see Ahri also sighing in relief and with her exhale, more weight rested against Y/n.

Y/n: "And did you do as I told you to?

His voice was strangely stern. Before Y/n would never tell Tenebris to do some but now he is speaking to her like a slave.

Tenie: "Yes... I notified Clara of your status... and only her..."

Her head was back to where it was before, looking at the ground. Y/n gave her no mind as he focused on Ahri. Her tails limp and her ears barely holding themselves up. Her clothes were slightly torn around the stomach and legs and every few moments she would shiver. Y/n turned her around and guided her arms around his waist. He then pulled her a bit closer. Her cheek pressed against his chest and her tails covering both their legs. Y/n could feel how cold and weak she was. He looked up at Tenebris.

Y/n: "Go find some firewood and something to light it."

She left without a word being said, leaving a cold Ahri alone with Y/n. Then... a small noise came from Ahri, followed by a single teardrop. Y/n hugged her a little more tightly and ask.

Y/n: "Are you okay?"

Ahri shook her head as she lifted herself off of Y/n to look him in the eyes with her teary eyes.

Ahri: "I'm.... thinking of... the kids... and I'm.... scared for them.... what if Kayden finds them?"

Y/n hugged her in a warm embrace which she instinctively tried to get closer to by pressing herself against. He rubbed her back and arms after taking off his jacket and putting it around her. In a calm voice, he said.

Y/n: "You do not need to be afraid. I will save the kids and the pack."

A small gust of wind blew into the shelter as Ahri looked up at Y/n from her warm embrace.

Ahri: "H-how? You barely won the first time.... and now he is stronger and.... much faster than you."

She shuddered till Y/n put a warm hand on her cheek. His hand felt like a hot water bottle on one's feet during a cold winter night.
In the same tone of voice as before he said.

Y/n: "Because I have survived much worse trying to save you and something tells me it's going to be the same this time."

He gave her a reassuring smile before ushering her head back to the neck of his neck. Y/n also kept rubbing her back while silently looking at the entrance. He saw himself again, pale, bloody, and no life to its eyes. It was sitting by the entrance staring back at Y/n. He noticed that there was no longer a wound on the stomach but instead a gruesome indent on its ribs. Blood dripped from its eyes, nose, and mouth with multiple gashes and cuts around the body, all bleeding profusely. Both arms were broken in all sorts of places, allowing bone shards to stick out of cuts and sometimes smooth skin. Lastly, the figure's neck had a completely 90-degree snap, making its point of view permanently vertical.
Y/n stared at the mangle sighted of himself before whispering.

Y/n: "What are you?"

Ahri: "Hmm?"

He quickly realized that Ahri was still awake and quickly responded.

Y/n: "Just... thinking out loud."

That was enough to make Ahri go back to resting. Meanwhile, Y/n looked back to where the figure was but... Nothing. It has disappeared.

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