Chapter 14 : New Packs

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Oh YES!! I'm back with a new idea for this story! Now tell me. WHO'S READY FOR PART 2!!!!!!!!

(No one's POV)
It has been two months since (Y/n) saved Ahri and Hati. Though it was with the help of a stranger who later was relieved to be Oliver Riot's brother, Ethan Riot. (Y/n) spent the time getting closer to Ahri and hunting more Elk, thanks to having more mouths to feed. Paula and James, thankfully, quickly adapted to their new lifestyle and enjoyed running around and exploring the woods under the supervision of Hati. Not everything has been smooth sailing though. Tenebris has been more aggressive with her advances as well as being a bigger dickhead to (Y/n) when he denies her. Tenebris has gotten used to walking around in her shadow form and often talks with Ahri on matters unknown to him.
Right now everyone is outside, eating dinner in the warm afternoon spring breezes, well... except for Tenebris who doesn't need to eat but she is there. They laugh, they talk. They're just like a perfect family. A family (Y/n) wished he had before.
-Y/n POV-
This... can not get any better. I feel like I'm a part of a real family. The laughs and the smiles. It's all I ever wanted. We were all having so much fun that I didn't realize how much time passed. The sky was dark and the stars shined like little fireflies. The warm breeze from before is now cold and combined with the night sky made for the perfect place to sleep. I didn't fall asleep but my eyes wandered to a sleeping Paula and James being carried by Hati back inside. Ahri and Tenebris helped clean up the outside table. Soon I was alone under the night sky. I just sat there, enjoying this moment till a pair of arms wrapped around me and a kiss delivered to my cheek.

Ahri: Aren't you coming inside?

Y/n: In a moment. I'm just enjoying this evening.

Ahri: You know~ we could make it better~

At this point, I've gotten used to Ahri's flirting and no longer get flustered or embarrassed. I turn to her and smile.

Y/n: I'm sure we can~ but this night is perfect as it is so there is no need to have fun tonight.

She looks to the sky and slowly nods.

Ahri: You're right. It is perfect.

Y/n: Besides, Tenie (Tenebris) would just interrupt us again.

Ahri sighs, she knows I'm right. For some reason after our date by the underground hot spring Tenebris has not allowed us to do it again. She would always kill the mood whenever we tried.

Ahri: Well I'm going to bed, don't talk too long.

She walks back inside. I couldn't help but stare as she swayed her hips hypnotically from side to side, allowing her nine tails to follow suit. The smile she gave me when she looked back said that we will have our fun soon and that she will take her time enjoying me. That or she was just smiling at the ridiculous face I was making while I was staring. What broke me out of my gaze was her playful giggle.

Tenie: Are you done?

Tenebris is standing a few feet away from me, her arms crossed and her shadowy showing annoyance.

Y/n: Done with what?
Tenie: Being a dumbass.

Y/n: Really? Do you have to be a dickhead now?

Tenie: Well...

She also looks up and sees the beautiful sky that keeps me outside.

Tenie: I... guess I don't have to be mean to you now... It is a beautiful night.

I am relieved she won't be mean now to me but I'm curious how she will act now. To my surprise, she just sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. It's weird because I only noticed when she asked me if it was ok. I didn't feel anything on my shoulder... in fact, I still don't feel anything. It's like she doesn't have warmth or mass.

Y/n: Hey Tenie.

Tenie: Hmm?

Y/n: Why can't I feel your head on my shoulder?
Tenie: I'm made of darkness remember. No mass nor warmth or cold. I'm not even supposed to be in this form.

Y/n: I'm not going to lie but I have gotten so used to you being here that I have forgotten that you are darkness.
Tenie: What do you mean?

Y/n: I don't see you as a tool or a weapon or anything like that.

Not being sure how to react she stays quiet, keeping her head on my shoulder. It would have been nicer if I could feel her on my shoulder but... I can't so this moment is wasted by ruining it. I'm just going to relax and enjoy the view.

Tenie: Y/n. I'm going to go back to the shadows and keep watch."

Y/n: Are you uncomfortable?
Before I could get the answer she disappears into the Shadows. I learned that Tenebris doesn't need sleep and because of that, I convinced her to watch over us while we sleep. Sounds creepy if I think about it but I don't want what happened before to happen again. With nothing else to do, I walked back inside to Ahri, who is sleeping peacefully in our bed. Not wanting to wake her I quietly join her, kissing her forehead. She smiled and instinctively cuddled up to me. I guess I can't do much else but sleep.

-Inside Y/n mind-

The all too familiar void greets me and I must say it's been a while since I've been here. The last time I was here was when Lykos and Tenebris gave me advice... with... we know. Now. Why am I here?

Lykos: Hello Y/n.

I turn around to see the all too beautiful Lykos, standing with her in front holding each other. She looked uneasy as she slowly walked up to me.

Y/n: Hey Lykos, long time no see... is everything alright?

Lykos: No... Y/n I need to warn you.

Okay, this is bad. She has never said that before and for her to say that... it can only mean trouble is coming. I stay silent and allow her to give me the warning.

Lykos: I can't be sure but...

Instead of me being pulled out Lykos starts phasing away.

Lykos: No... nonononono!!! Y/n they are coming!!

Y/n: Who? Wh-what is happening!

Lykos: THE-

And... she is gone.

Y/n: Lykos.....

This feels like a nightmare and not being able to understand what she was going to say I instantly wake, sitting up, panting, and sweating. I tried going back to sleep but Lykos's warning and her disappearing deprived me of any sleep. With nothing else to do I get out of bed and walk through the house. Hati is lying down but is staring out the window.

Hati: ...

Y/n: You can't sleep too?

Hati: Yeah. I feel like something is coming.

I sit down next to Hati, her snow-white fur spreading in between my fingers as I pet her. Her being up did give me a clue. Why would both wolves feel like something is coming? I may be jumping to conclusion but I may need to keep my guard up. Maybe Hati and I could figure out what's going on.

-Third-person POV-

As Y/n and Hati try and figure out what her feeling and what Lykos's warning are about. Meanwhile on a cliff relatively far away from Y/n's home is a figure with nine others behind them.

???: Finally. After 19 fucking years... We can come home. And we will kill anyone familiar with Lykos!

WOOHOO!! I hope that was a good starter to part two of this story. Let me know if you enjoyed it. See you guys soon.

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