Chapter 23: New Alpha

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As everyone was laughing in the log house, two others were suffering outside. Kayden, who is currently still unconscious, and Sven, the human-wolf who walked straight into a tree. Sven is doing his best, dragging Kayden to where he will stay warm. Sven failed to notice two things. A heavy storm approaching and a floating Tenebris, watching from high above.

Sven did however find a cave that gives enough room for himself, Kayden, and a fire. He laid Kayden down and immediately left to find enough dry wood for a fire. However, he didn't realize he was leaving Kayden alone with Tenebris who descended from the sky to the entrance of the cave. As she steps in she can see more of the cave.

The walls of the cave are covered with wet moisture and the roof drips little water droplets. She keeps her eyes on the drops, soon finding a repeating drop of water on Kayden's forehead. The drops are enough to wake Kayden from his unconscious state, exactly what Tenebris wants. She kneels in front of him as his eyes desperately fight to open up. Soon they are both open, looking at a familiar silhouette before him.

Tenie: "You lost"

These words are like a rogue train, speeding, reminding him of the fight he just had. Kayden put his head in his hands, trying to keep it stable but Tenebris is not going to stop there. She wants more out of him.

Tenie: "You lost to a mere human. By a man, you could easily kill but instead, you allowed him to beat you."

Kayden's breathing quickens and shortens as Tenebris is speaking. His muscles are tensing up as his anger rises. Little to Kayden's knowledge that this is exactly what she wants. Him angry.

Tenie: "He took everything from you. Your pack, your title... your pride. You have nothing left to do but sit here and starve yourself."

Suddenly Kayden's breathing slows down and his muscles relax. To Tenebris's surprise, he looks up at her and says.

Kayden: "I did lose. Now I must live with that shame."

Tenebris is taken aback. She didn't think he would act like this. All weak and pathetic. It makes Tenebris pissed. She grabs Kayden by the neck and lifts him against the wall. In a deep demonic voice, she says.

Tenie: "So you're just going to abandon everything you have worked for, abandon the power I offered you?!"

Kayden: "It's... clear. I can't beat Y/n."

Tenie: " just need to become stronger."

She let Kayden fall to the ground. He didn't gasp for air nor is he struggling in any way.

Kayden: "And how am I supposed to do that?"

Tenebris snaps her head towards the sound of crushing snow indicating that Sven is approaching. She then looks back at Kayden and smiles.

From outside of the cave one can only hear the blood-curdling screams of a man.

The next morning Y/n finds himself covered with fluffy fur. There is only one problem. He can't move his body or hands to feel them. He can't even move a pinkie finger. Then it hit him. Y/n can't even feel anything. No warmth, cool, or soft fur. His entire body is completely numb to all feelings. How can this cruel fate fall upon him? A blanket of heaven so close it is touching him yet all there is avoid. It almost made him shout in frustration however he did not after seeing a small bit of movement under the tails on one side. Then his eyes could see something he did not notice before. A black tail. It is hidden among the blanket of whitetails that he knew belonged to Ahri. Then it hit him. That tail belonged to one of the wolves, but which one.

Will all his strength Y/n can move his head to get a better look. It takes him a minute or two trying to get his head in the right spot but when he does he can see exactly who it is. Clara.

She is cuddling his side while Ahri cuddles the other, both girls have small smiles on their faces. However, Y/n is confused as to why Clara is cuddling into his side.

Clara can sense the aura of confusion around Y/n as she wakes up to help answer any questions he may have. She sits up and allows her soft gently red eyes to sleepily look into his as she gives him a warm, comforting smile.

Clara: "Good morning, Alpha~"

That... single title is all he needed to answer all his questions. It really is simple now that he thinks about it. A human defeating their Alpha who has been harsh on them. It's no wonder why she is cuddling him right now. She is trying to make sure her new Alpha is happy. To her credit, she is doing a good job but Y/n is not going to waste the chance to ask a few more questions.

Y/n: "Clara?"

Clara: "Mhmm?"

Y/n: "Why can't I move or feel anything?"

Clara giggles and stares at Y/n with mischievous eyes as her hand slides under his shirt. Unlucky for her Y/n can't feel any of it so he gave no fun reaction. She sighs and says.

Clara: "It is because of the Devil's Kiss. The effects are still working as it is de-aging your body."

Y/n: "By how many years?"

Clara thinks for a few seconds, getting a rough determination of the effects.

Clara: "By 4 years."

Y/n: "Well... how long are the effects going to last?"

Clara: "It usually takes three days after the night of consumption. On the first day, you will not be able to feel or move anything. On the second day, you will have very basic movements with no feeling. Third, you should be able to walk around but you still won't feel a thing."

Y/n is a bit nervous as he knows he cannot do anything for two days straight. What if Kayden came back or if something else came? How would he be able to help if he cannot move a muscle?

Then there are the other problems like Ahri taking advantage of him in this state or one of the wolves who may be feeling frustrated. So many problems and issues race in his mind that he did not notice a beautiful little fox waking up.

Ahri looks as though she had the most peaceful sleep of her life as she stretches with her arms above her head, allowing those two firm pillows to stand proud. After a few seconds, Ahri lowers her arms and stares at Y/n with those two gorgeous, golden yellow eyes. Her smile seems to have brightened the room like the sun was waiting for her perfect smile to start the day. She gently moved forward to give Y/n a loving kiss. As she pulls back she smiles and says.

Ahri: "How are you feeling?"

Y/n: "As of right now I can't feel a thing but I'm sure if I could all my pain would have washed away from the kiss."

Ahri covers her mouth while giggling but then notices Clara awake. They both exchange looks before nodding and getting out of bed.

Y/n: "Where are you two going?"

They both turn to face Y/n from the doorway. Both have smiles on their faces however it is only Clara who answers Y/n.

Clara: "Breakfast for our new Alpha."

Without the chance to ask for anything else both disappear to the kitchen. Y/n did nothing else but rest his head back down on the pillow and thought about his new problem.

Y/n: "...I'm a Direwolf Alpha..."

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