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- Chapter Forty-Two -
"I can get this one."

"Today's the day

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"Today's the day." James Potter was deadly serious, his eyes boring into those of his friends as he talked quietly. "House against house. Strategy against strategy. Players against Players. Me against Montgomery. And of course, the rest against the rest of them but that's not important! What's important is that we have to win. We cannot let out enemies beat us and we cannot let them hold their victory over our heads because we will win!"

"Get down from the table, Prongs."

James looked down at Remus, who had moved his and Elladora's bowls of porridge out of the way of his feet as he stood on top of the table, making a big speech when there was only four of his friends there to listen. Sirius was the most interested, listening carefully to every word his best friend said with a bright grin. Peter was half-asleep, resting his head on his hand as his eyes drooped tiredly. Elladora was just eating her porridge, absentmindedly listening when James hopped up on the table and Remus took action when his feet came too close to their breakfast.

The boy stared down at his friend and crouched so her was nearer to them. "Moony, Moony, Moony," James said, shaking his head. "Pure, innocent Moony." He patted his head and Remus swatted it away as James stood once more on top of the table and pointed down at his friend.

"I will not get off the table because I am making a stand against the opposing enemies!" He stamped his foot, making the crockery around them rattle and Elladora had to grab her goblet and steady it so it didn't pure juice all over her. "I am the captain and I will act like one." His voice lowered to a whisper as he held a fist up, pausing momentarily to push his glasses further up his nose.

"Yeah!" Sirius cheered, banging his cutlery against the table which made Peter jolt out of his drowsy state and look around at his surroundings whilst Remus and Elladora shared an exasperated look.

"Together," James pointed down at Sirius and then proceeded to point at every one of the group. "We will have this victory and Helga Hufflepuff will be sorry that she ever made her house because we will crush them into the ground." He was on his knees again, holding up his balled fist to Sirius, who was still encouraging him.

"Into the ground!" He cheered and stood from his seat, joining James on top of the table whilst he looked down at the rest of them before pulling his Quidditch Sweater down slightly with new pride adorning his features. "I like being up here, I feel powerful." He winked.

Elladora shook her head with a small smile and looked up at him as he pointed down at her with a large grin.

"I think you're forgetting that three of us aren't even on the team." She gestured to her, Remus and Peter. "Save your speech for the rest of your players and don't waste it all on us."

"He has another one planned, don't worry."  Sirius waved it off and turned back to James, who was staring at the doors to the Great Hall where an abundance of Hufflepuff's came swarming in. "They didn't get up bright and early." He stated and then grinned again. "I'd say that we've got a good chance then, Prongs."

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