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- Chapter Ninety-Five -
"Remus, no-"

Elladora lay staring up at the ceiling of the sixth-year Slytherin girls dorm

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Elladora lay staring up at the ceiling of the sixth-year Slytherin girls dorm.

It had been 9 days since the last Death Eater meeting. Tomorrow was the day. The day everything would go to shit with whatever decision she made, she hadn't slept in a week and all her schoolwork had gone down the drain which she didn't really care about seeing as she had finished all of her exams and had the scores locked in. What she did care about was the impending doom she would have to face, it came so soon and the days wasted away with nothing important.

Time was taunting her, every time a room fell silent it was the ticking of the clock that caught her attention and she stared at it with frustration growing larger and larger. She just wanted time to freeze and let her think over stuff and do whatever she wished for one day that didn't affect the rest of her life; she was miserable and slowly distancing herself from her friends.

Evan was safe, Regulus having told her in passing with an added glare. She had ignored him, rolling her eyes whilst she exited the common room to meet up with Remus, James, Sirius and Peter. It was an effort to drag herself out of bed these days but there were some nights, just like the one she was enduring then, that she just had to do something whilst the rest of the castle slept.

Her limbs didn't even scream to lie back down as she got out of her bed, sweatshirt on her torso despite the blistering heat and lounge shorts giving her legs some relief of the warmth. There was no destination in mind as she walked through the common room out to the exit, she supposed she should just find refuge in the kitchens since it was so close. Hufflepuffs were lucky she often thought, to have a common room so close to the kitchens.

It was a short walk to the kitchens from the Slytherin common room, just down the hallway that connected most of the downstairs to one another. It wasn't often that prefects roamed the downstairs corridors so she was perfectly safe just walking and trying not to jump at the feeling of the cold stone floor on her bare feet that she didn't bother to cover up.

Her wand lit up her surroundings as she walked, eventually revealing the portrait of the fruit on the wall in front of her. They were snoozing peacefully but Elladora didn't have time to spare the feelings of food on a painting, she simply woke the pear with a tickle and it frustratedly opened its eyes before opening up; Elladora smiled apologetically at it as she moved in.

Then she mentally scolded herself with a roll of her eyes for apologising to a painting

"What are you doing up?" A voice said and she snapped her head up, eyes widening at the sight of Remus sat at the table with a cup of tea in front of him and a book in his hand.

"What are you doing up?" She countered, putting her wand out with a simple spell since the candles of the kitchens were still lit whilst the house elves did their nightly chores.

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