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- Chapter Forty-Three -
"What am I supposed to do now? I can't just cancel!"

- Chapter Forty-Three -"What am I supposed to do now? I can't just cancel!"

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"What the hell was that?"

"Ow!" Sirius rubbed the back of his head where Peter had just hit him whilst Remus and Elladora approached them, keeping their smiles on their faces to try and cheer the boys up. When James saw them coming, he dropped his broom on the ground and just went up to Elladora, enveloping her in a big hug.

She yelped as he lifted her off of the ground and gripped his shoulders to make sure she didn't fall. He spun round in a circle whilst keeping a tight grip on her waist whilst hugging her. "You are amazing!" He exclaimed as he let her set her feet back on the ground.

"What did I do?" She asked, alarmed as she brushed the pieces of hair out of her face that had been caught across her nose. "Did I do something?"

"You told Marple to hit Montgomery and he did, which meant that Martin could get the snitch." He poked her in the side and she squirmed, swatting his hand away. "I've never heard you be so loud before."

"I just wanted you guys to win." She shrugged, smiling. "I had no idea that I was being so loud, I just wanted to tell Ernie that they could win if they hit Adam. I think you should actually go and congratulate Jamie."

James turned to where she was pointing and saw the dark-skinned boy getting pats on the back from the rest of the team. "Oi, Martin!" He called and jogged up to him, Jamie grinned when he saw his captain approaching and met him halfway as they engaged in conversation.

Elladora smiled over in the direction of the two boys and then turned back to the rest of them where Sirius was narrowing his eyes at her, almost as if he was trying to figure something out. She narrowed her eyes back at him and tilted head to the side as they stared at each other.

"Are we...getting in the middle of something?" Peter muttered, looking at Remus, who shrugged and darting his gaze in between the two.

"I think we should just wait it out, see how long they can go before one of them-"

"I just noticed something." Sirius cut Remus off and pointed towards the girl he'd been staring at. She furrowed her eyebrows and stood up straighter, curious at what he was talking about.

"What did you notice?" She asked.

"You never call people by their last names or their nicknames." He said and Remus and Peter mulled over the thought before nodding their heads in realisation. "Well, not people that you like anyway."

"Well, everyone has a name, why not use it?" She reasoned. "They deserve a name. So when I call people by their last names, I need to have a reason, which I do for anyone I call by their last name."

"Well, why don't you call us our nicknames?" Sirius raised an eyebrow and she smiled at him.

"The same reason." She said and the boys looked over at her with confused expressions. "Everyone has a name and that name has a meaning."

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