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- Chapter Fifty-One -
"That's Sebastian's room!"

- Chapter Fifty-One -"That's Sebastian's room!"

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The voice sent a shock through the young girl's body. She hadn't heard it for more than half a year and quite frankly, the tone and volume she spoke at frightened her. Being away from home, she had received unconditional comfort from so many people and now this voice was coming back and stripping it all away again.

"How have you been?" Her mother said and she looked up quickly in shock, trying to keep her face blank of any emotion as she gaped at the woman for a couple of moments.


"Stupid girl!" Cassiopeia seethed and brought her hand up, grabbing her daughters face as Elladora fought to keep the wince down. "Have you forgotten all basic rules of not talking back even when asked a question?" She turned her head to the right side, as if checking for something on the side of her face.

She then turned her head the other way, seemingly checking the other side. In doing so, she gave Elladora perfect view of her four friends looking over at her and her mother angrily. They all had their jaws clenched and were staring very obviously at the two.

"Do you know those boys?" Cassiopeia's voice lowered down to a stern whisper as she kept Elladora's face held to the right. Her fingers were pressed deeply into the skin of her face and it would surely bruise soon enough. "You may answer this one."

Elladora looked back at them all as they carried on staring. All four of them looked angry, confused and worried at the same time as they watched. She wanted to yell at them to look away, to shout across the platform for help, maybe even run towards them and let them hug her like they did that day she was ill. She made eye contact with Remus and he blinked twice, nearly close to tears as he watched the terrible way she was getting treated.

"No." She gulped. "I don't know them. They're in a couple of my classes but apart from that I do not know them."

The hand on her face went away and she slowly turned her head back to face her mother, glancing at the boys out of the corner of her eyes. They were still stood staring but this time joined by Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew, who were eyeing Cassiopeia warily.

"Come on." The woman seethed and grappled a hand onto her shoulder in the same place where a old bruise had faded over and a new one now seemed to be taking its place.

A sudden movement from the place that they were both staring at made the two of them look over in the boys direction once again to see Peter being pulled back by the rest of them. Elladora narrowed her eyes at them as some sort of warning whilst her mother gripped her other shoulder and turned her around so they were walking straight ahead.

"Blood-traitors." She scoffed as they walked and Elladora's grip tightened on the handle of her trunk. "Always goggling at us like we're the freaks. That Potter family is a mess, old parents and an arrogant bastard for a son. Sirius Black isn't any better. Just wait until you meet the rest of the Black family, much better than that little piece of wasted life."

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