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- Chapter Sixteen -
"I've never had a birthday like this."

"Five butterbeers please

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"Five butterbeers please." James smiled brightly at the barmaid, resting his chin in his hand as he looked up at her.

"Five?" She raised an eyebrow. They normally got four, one for each friend, so when they said five, she thought she was going mad until she saw the girl in the middle of the room, turning slowly and looking around at the building in awe. Her lips were slightly parted as she stared at the wooden interior, she had never seen another building inside except for her house, Hogwarts and the Black house when she was as very young.

"Is that one yours?" The barmaid pointed to Elladora, who was still looking around. The four boys turned to see her like this and turned back with identical fond smiles.

"Yes." The said simultaneously and she got to work, pouring the drinks into five glasses.

Peter pushed himself away from the bar and approached Elladora. "Dora, come on, lets go and get a table." He nodded to an empty table in the far corner. The boys always sat there so if any teachers came, they could hide Sirius from sight. And now Elladora.

She followed him to the table and they both slid in, Peter took his coat off and Elladora just sat, comfortable without a coat. There were cushions placed on the seat that made it more comfortable instead of just sitting on wood. They sat in a somewhat soft silence as they waited for the boys to return.

"What's this place called again?" She asked quietly, still gazing around at the place. There was a roaring fire that cast a warm orange glow all over the place.

"The three broomsticks. Best pub in Hogsmeade." He said, looking around also. His mind was working up the courage to get some words on, maybe have a proper conversation instead of sitting in silence, but just as he was about to open his mouth. Thuds echoed around the pub and five drinks were placed on the table by James, Sirius and Remus.

"Butterbeer for the birthday girl." James did jazz hands as they all sat down at the table. The boys grabbed their pints and each took a sip, enjoying the fresh taste, whilst Elladora sat staring at the yellow liquid. "It's not poison, Dora. Try it." James pushed it towards her slightly.

She hesitantly reached forward and held it securely, looking around for reassurance, which is what she got from all of them as she lifted it to her lips and drank it. Her eyes were squeezed shut, ready for the horrible taste of alcohol, but it never came. Instead, a sweet liquid that tasted a lot like cream, hit her tastebuds and her eyes lit up from under their lids as she gulped some of it down.

It was by far one of the best things shes ever tasted. She set it down with a small thud and looked up to see the boys, staring at her. They all smiled, a big grin stretching at their mouths as she narrowed her eyes at them. "What?" She asked.

"Here." James held up a hand and she leaned back slightly. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, just breath." He said and she took a deep breath whilst still tense as she squeezed her eyes shut.

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