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- Chapter Six -
"Goodbye Hagrid."

Elladora didn't seem to want to get out of bed today, she knew that she would be making a huge decision but she couldn't bring herself to escape her warm cocoon of blankets

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Elladora didn't seem to want to get out of bed today, she knew that she would be making a huge decision but she couldn't bring herself to escape her warm cocoon of blankets. Of course her other dorm mates didn't realize this as they all left huddled together anyway, whispering about something that didn't need to be heard by anyone's prying ears.

Eventually, the girl pushed the covers off of her fragile body and trudged into the showers, hanging her black towels on the outside of the cubicle as well as placing her folded uniform on the bench juts underneath it. She pulled her long brown hair out of her ponytail and turned on the hot water, letting it slide down her back once she had undressed and stepped underneath the shower head.

People do a lot of thinking in the shower and Elladora was no exception, there seemed to be more thinking today then there usually was. It was understandable, she was searching her mind for another option, for a way to live as well as keeping the students from danger. If she did not go home at Christmas, her parents would come to Hogwarts fro her then no body was safe, she would have no choice but to go home. She didn't want to, she hated the thought of being in Voldemort's army but it's what she had to do to keep everybody else.

As she applied the vanilla shampoo to her long hair, her eyes were trained to the curtain in front of her even though she was purely in her head, searching and searching. But there was nothing, no other option. She had to do this, for Hogwarts. She knew it wouldn't stop the war but it could cause her part in it to vanish. No one would know of her protection but she could be sure they'd be so damn thankful for it.

Despite not holding any conversations with her class mates, she didn't want them to die. She didn't want anyone to die, but sadly she wasn't powerful enough to go up against the dark lord. The Death Eaters, she would have no problem with taking their lives, her parents were no exceptions, she would kill them with a flick of her wand if she ever got the chance. It was the good people she was trying to save, the noble people who would fight for what they lived and never once doubt it.

Putting the vanilla conditioner on her hair once she had washed out the shampoo, she stopped thinking and just got through her wash. When she was finished, she grabbed her black towel and wrapped it round her body, allowing herself to dry before she dried her hair with a spell and dressed into her green robes, ready for the last five minutes of breakfast.

There was only one waffle left at the Slytherin table for her to eat, so she did. She dropped it onto her golden plate and ate it with no toppings, also drinking some of her water occasionally. Maybe it was just her but the hall seemed gloomier than normal today, turns out it wasn't just her as Mulciber walked past the table and threw down the Daily Prophet in front of her, smirking whilst he walked away.

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