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- Chapter Three -
"It's debatable."

Elladora woke up in the morning with a feeling that she knew something was going to happen today

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Elladora woke up in the morning with a feeling that she knew something was going to happen today. That's right, the breakfast prank, she didn't know whether the boys were actually going to do it or not but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Instead of waiting for the other girls to leave first, she left with them this time, wanting to see if the boys really did initiate their prank. She strolled behind Alicia Hyde, a mean girl who inhabited the bed next to her, and walked into the hall.

She glanced at the Gryffindor table, seeing Sirius nudging James and gesturing to the flurry of Slytherins that had just entered. Instead of sitting at her own house table, Elladora walked to the end of the Gryffindor one and sat down next to Lily Evans, much to her surprise.

She buttered herself some toast and took a bite whilst watching her house mates dig into their bacon or their porridge, immediately spitting it out and having strangled cries coming from their lips as their tongues grew twice the size, puffing up in their mouths. They all expected Potter or Black to start laughing, but they were too busy staring in shock at the Slytherin at the Gryffindor table.

"How did she know?" Peter asked them in a hurried whisper, also staring at Elladora who made no move to try and talk to the redhead next to her.

"I don't know." Sirius and James said at the same time, tilting their heads to the right.

"Maybe she's psychic." Remus shrugged, half-joking whilst he continued to read his book, too engrossed in the chapter to even witness the stupid prank that his friends had pulled.

"Think she's a banshee?" Sirius asked them group as they turned into a huddle across the table.

"Don't be stupid, Banshees sense real danger, not pranks." The werewolf scoffed, putting down his book and joining the group huddle.

"Well, how else would she know?"

"Maybe she heard you guys in the kitchens?" Peter guessed.

"No, there was no one else there, we had the map, we saw it." James argued, breathing heavily and running his palms over his face. "Oh my god." He groaned, banging his head on the table dramatically.

"Prongs, don't get yourself all wound up, she knew what was going to happen and she didn't tell anybody." Sirius soothed.

"Here's an idea." Remus exclaimed as if they were babies. Not picking up on the time of his voice, the three other boys leant forward and listened to him. "Maybe, she didn't know what was going to happen and is just friends with Lily."

The boys all nodded and snapped their heads to look at the Slytherin once again who was not involved in the Gryffindors conversation, she was simply just eating.

Before anybody got a chance to say something else, a parliament of owls flooded into the hall with parcels and letter clasped in their beaks or between their talons. Letters were given to all four boys and to all four girls next to Elladora.

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