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- Chapter Fifteen -
"What's a jelly...slug?"

Elladora hated Halloween

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Elladora hated Halloween.

That's an understatement, she despised Halloween. All day students would be running around excitedly, only for the feast at the end of the day. The feast that consisted of sweet and sour treats galore, but of course, Elladora was not able to eat these at the Slytherin table, so she would settle on the bread rolls.

The bread rolls would stay all throughout the main dinner and for dessert too, accompanied with jam and cream, but Elladora like them plain. She had never had them with toppings, they were always plain and she enjoyed them like that.

It wasn't just the meals that made her dislike the day. It was the fact that her life started today, 17 years ago, she came out of her mother, ready to endure a life full of pain. That was the reason why she hated Halloween, it was just another reminder of her sad life.

Nobody knew it was her birthday and she liked it that way, she could just pretend that it wasn't, that it was like any other day.

She was currently sat at the Gryffindor table, eating a bowl of porridge whilst reading a book. Orange and black banners were littered around the walls, paper pumpkins stuck everywhere as well as bat silhouettes. The boys hadn't come down yet and as much as she hated to admit it, she was quite nervous. Over the last week, since Remus had been let out of the hospital wing, she had explained the wolfsbane potion to him and told him that it was being kept safe. She did not tell him the location in case anyone overheard, but she was sure it was safe.

The great hall doors opened and for the fourth time that morning, she glanced to see if it was her friends, but it wasn't, it was just three Ravenclaws, smiling with each other as they sat at their house table. She returned to her book, scanning the lines. It was a muggle one, named 'Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe', it was good.

She had nearly finished the book and was actually quite sad, she had only managed to get her hands on the one, loving the dynamic and the personality of the four siblings, their personalities quite reminded her of the four houses. Peter in Gryffindor, Susan in Ravenclaw, Edmund in Slytherin and Lucy in Hufflepuff.

Edmund in Slytherin made her feel a little bit lighter. He was her favourite, the way he betrayed his siblings but then realised his mistakes and fought against the witch in the war along with Aslan and the rest of the Narnians, it was...amazing. The whole plot made her eyes light up with interest. Words couldn't describe how much she loved that book.

The doors of the Great Hall opened again and loud laughs came from them, making her look up from another one of Lucy's adorable lines. She finally saw the four boys, bright grins as they made their way over to her. Peter and Remus sat down either side of her whilst James and Sirius sat opposite.

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