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- Chapter Eighty-Eight -
"I don't want to hurt you again."

Featherlight touches on her head is what made Elladora Hargreaves wake up the next morning

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Featherlight touches on her head is what made Elladora Hargreaves wake up the next morning. Such a soft feeling of fingertips on her skin momentarily made her forget about the night she had had last night, for a moment her abdomen was fine and she was lay perfectly still in her bed back at Hargreaves Mansion with her brother sat on the edge of her bed, brushing the hairs out of her face and speaking gently in order not to wake her up too abruptly. His voice was heard in a faint slice of wind going past her ear, words barely distinguishable but his intake of breath still there. It would never leave, she didn't think, but she didn't know if she necessarily wanted it to stay.

He was probably the only person who could restrain her from what she wanted to do to get her vengeance, so his presence wasn't ideal but as soon as she had it done, he was welcome to join her however he wanted. Still, the itching feeling to see him overcame her urge to banish him from her mind for the time being so as she forced her eyelids open, letting them flutter for a second as the silhouette in front of her barely seen because of the sun filtering in through the window beside her blinded him.

The defined jawline, the mess of brown hair on top of his head, his slightly sticky-out ears were all clear from the shadow but she couldn't see his exact features yet. This was her brother...somehow. She was sure of it, he was here with her and he was waking her up just like he used to. Emotion bubbled up inside her and she hated it, she can't afford to feel anything right now, especially in relation to her brother when that's exactly who could make her crumple down to nothing.

"No." She mumbled, lifting her hand to catch his wrist in her hand and push it away from her face as she closed her eyes in order not to see him. "Don't touch me. Please."

"Elladora, it's me." He said, but it didn't sound quite like him. Maybe a bit but it sounded more like someone else she knew.

The temptation was too much and her eyes opened, adjusting to the light with a groan falling from her lips before the clear image of Regulus Black in front of her filtered in. She dropped his wrist, closing her eyes again as she let herself sigh out in frustration with herself for being so stupid to believe her brother was with her. It wasn't fair how much her mind was tricking her recently. It wasn't fair that every feeling she had, she wished it away. It wasn't fair, nothing was fair.

"You okay?" Regulus asked her gently, taking his hand away from her completely. She brought her hands up and clamped them over her eyes, exhaling heavily; what the hell had happened last night?

"Do I look it?" She asked whilst bringing her hands down from her face, attempting to sit up before she felt a searing pain in her side and collapsed back down to her previous lying position with one hand darting to where she had felt the pain. "Not okay, definitely not okay. What the hell happened?"

"I-I'm not quite sure." He said and she kept her eyes squeezed shut as he continued, there was a pillow under her head but she knew she wasn't in her dorm room because how would he have got her in and she knew she wasn't in the Hospital Wing because she could never sleep in the Hospital Wing apart from that time she was in a coma.

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