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- Chapter One -

"Resist Elladora!" Cassiopeia Hargreaves shouted at her daughter, the two of them in the small dark room that was like a sick, damaged home to the young Slytherin

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"Resist Elladora!" Cassiopeia Hargreaves shouted at her daughter, the two of them in the small dark room that was like a sick, damaged home to the young Slytherin.

Elladora was hit again with the cruciatus curse, writhing around in pain on the floor whilst she cried out, feeling like her limbs were being torn from her body one by one. Last summer it was practicing for resisting the imperius curse which was a trying process but eventually worked. The current summer was the torture curse, this was much much harder.

Tomorrow, she would be starting her sixth-year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Her past five years had been spent alone, apart from her weekly tea sessions with Hagrid. People had tried to talk to her, wanting to be her friend purely for the fact that she's rich. However her social awkwardness had thrown them off and they leave as soon as they come.

"Resist!" Another cruciatus curse was thrown her way, making her cower into the corner as she tried to grip anything to hold her wait, but there was nothing in the room except from her and her mother.

"I can't." Elladora choked, coughing violently when she was released from the spell, harshly landing to the floor where black and blue bruises would surely form. The moment of peace was quickly turned into panic once again as Cassiopeia came and held her wand up to her daughters neck, digging it into her skin as she spoke.

"When I was your age, I could snap somebody's neck with the click of my fingers, so unless you want that to happen to you, I suggest you resist. The dark lord doesn't take weak links." She spat, moving away and examining the round red mark she had left on the young girls neck.

All the training was for one and one thing only, the dark lord. Cassiopeia and Rodolphus Hargreaves were very loyal death eaters, along with the Malfoy, Rosier and Carrow parents. They had made it their life's mission to eventually make her one of Voldemort's loyal followers. The other children were completely up for it, excited even. But Elladora was dreading it, she hated the torture, she hated the killing and she hated the dark lord. There was no running away, they would find her and kill her if she ran. That's why when she went back to Hogwarts, the first week of the term would be where it all ended, people would regret the way they treated her the following day.

"Resist!" Cassiopeia yelled, pointing her wand at her daughter once again as the girl hit her head roughly against the wall, making a cut appear on her forehead as she cried out for it to stop.

"That's enough." Rodolphus Hargreaves appeared in the doorway of the dark room, a small bit of light flooding in from the outside. "She's no use to the dark lord if she's driven to insanity." He darkly chuckled.

Elladora was trembling in the corner, shaking with fear as he came closer to her, shaking his head whilst tutting. "How-" he started, grabbing her by her hair and pulling her up. "do you expect him to want you when you're weak enough to let the cruciatus curse tie you down." His voice became louder and louder by the second as he tossed her back down to the floor.

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