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- Chapter Thirty-Eight -
"Let's dance!"

There are a lot of things in life that you just need to throw caution to the wind for and jump into without any preparation

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There are a lot of things in life that you just need to throw caution to the wind for and jump into without any preparation. There are lot of things in life that don't make sense, like traffic, who's causing it? There are a lot of things in life that cause you to worry or be anxious over something that you don't have any control of. Like death, where do you go when you die? Is it just an endless pit of black abyss? Because if it is, then you'd be floating around there forever, actually forever. Because your life is over but somebody else's is just beginning, so you'll be swimming in a black, gloomy abyss for all of eternity. Even when the world ends, you won't feel it because you're already dead.

Elladora Hargreeves thinks that that is what she was scared of the most.

She didn't used to think that, of course. She always knew she was going to die, hell she tried to do it herself. But the consequences weren't really a big thing back then. Now, she lays in bed at night and cries herself to sleep because she's terrified of never having another purpose when you die.

Everybody lives for something, if nothing encourages you to stay on this Earth, then why are you still here? Elladora lives for her friends and the pure joy she feels when she's with them or pretty much just thinking about them and reminiscing on their past adventures. But if she dies, then she'll never know how they react, she'll never get to see them ever again and that purpose of living will be gone because she'll be dead.

She doesn't understand.

She used to know everything, but the concept of life and death was too hard for her to grasp. When Sebastian, her brother, died, she really didn't want to think about it at all. But the thought kept coming back and returning to her head. Where was he? Was he looking down on her? Or was he floating around in an endless black abyss?

Just the thought of him having no purpose and just being a tiny fragment of mind and soul in a massive universe was heartbreaking. He lived for so much but died for so little. Elladora didn't know why her father killed him, she didn't really know for sure that he did. But she had that feeling and her intuition is almost never wrong.

She liked to think that Sebastian was looking down on her, watching her live out her life. Now more than ever, she didn't blame him for maybe not wanting to watch the pain that she endured at home, but she really wanted him to see the pure joy that she was feeling with the boys. Because no matter how much her brother comforted her, she had never smiled around him either.

Times with Sebastian were the best, he would often sneak across the hall and into her room at night where they would sit across from each other on her bed and play those handshake games that Seb had learned from one of his muggle-born friends that he had talked to her about. They had to be careful of mentioning him around their parents, if they ever found out about any of them associating with muggles, muggle-borns, blood traitors and half-breeds, they would probably kill them.

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