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- Chapter Sixty-Two -
"I swear they all think we're royalty."

"Suck it in

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"Suck it in."

With a deep breath from Elladora and a hard tug from her mother, the corset around her torso got tighter and the strings threaded through the holes on the back got larger. Every tug and every tighten was a loss of breathing space for Elladora as the stiff material pressed against her stomach harshly. If Elladora was to make a list of all the things she hated about being home, this would definitely be in the top five, pretending they were some sort of royalty and that they'd gone back in time so they could hold balls and dress uncomfortably.

Orion had found her and Regulus in Diagon Alley about two hours prior after they had spent their day in muggle London, which had been fun yet very confusing. She still didn't know what a pound was or how to work a TV but it was fun seeing all of it at least. Arriving back at the wizarding village, the two got ice creams to act like they had been there the whole time so Orion wouldn't even be the slightest bit suspicious of them.

But once again, like the black colouring of Elladora's house was actually dementors cloaks, the happiness was all gone as soon as they set foot in the home far too large for a three person family with visitors. Regulus was taken away by his mother and Elladora by hers, she would much rather have Dobby helping her with the horrifying clothes that her mother had picked but apparently the house-elf was busy in the kitchen where the Black's house-elf was helping for the day.

Elladora had never met Kreacher, but from what Regulus said, he seemed nice enough. Reg mentioned that he sometimes got scared about the house elves decapitated heads on the stairs of the Black family home started by their Aunt Elladora. He looked quite disturbed saying her name and sent a glance to his own friend who had grimaced at the thought of sharing a name with someone who beheads house elves and uses them for decoration.

Cassiopeia had been surprisingly lenient with the usual punishment she gave after the mark had been displayed permanently on Elladora's skin and the burn of the Unbreakable Vow scarred he skin too. She was still treated poorly and degraded by her own mother, but the cruciatus curse was no longer used on her and that was a big step that Elladora was grateful for.

But being forced into a corset that she must've grown out of was something she was not grateful for.

"Have you been taking second servings of meals at school?" Her mother seethed and tugged at the strings once more, Elladora gasping but disguising it as a deep breath. "Maybe we should decrease your diet further, no breakfast maybe."

She could only nod when she met her mother's glare through the mirror, her mouth falling open as the corset was tugged against her again. Next to her ear, a small mutter was heard from Cassiopeia as she felt a smaller pull of the corset and she closed her eyes for a moment, thankful that it was being tied now instead of her lungs being constricted any further.

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