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- Chapter Ninety -
"Then why are you acting like him?"

A/N: very long but very important chapter (4272 words)

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A/N: very long but very important chapter (4272 words)

The journey to revenge was messing with her mind which she knew it would, she just didn't think she would begin having words circling around her mind this early on in the endeavour.

It was flooding her brain, on the tip of her tongue, her only poisonous thought that blocked every single thing around her out of her life at that moment. An infective virus that spreads with every second, floats through her nerves and plants itself in the frontal lobe of her brain. Forever in her reasoning and emotions until she can get a definition for herself and let it transition to the temporal lobe where it can fit in her memory forever and hopefully stay there.

She didn't like not knowing things, it messed with her; she knew a lot, almost everything about the wizarding world having been raised with strict tutoring and ideologies and then submerged herself into all of her studies once she started school. Top grades, highest scoring O.W.Ls in her year, read almost all of the books in the library and not once could she recall the word Horcruxes. She didn't know what it meant and she remembers almost everything she reads; at one point in her life, often it had crossed her mind that she had an eidetic memory but she knew it wasn't true when she got herself lost in London with Regulus.

An eidetic memory would be very useful, she thought, though it could sometimes also be annoying too she supposed. There was no point in wondering because she didn't have one, she had an average memory that was racking itself for a definition to a new word. She didn't really now what she was expecting, it wasn't like everything was going to be easy; there would be trials and tribulations and in her opinion, she's been through enough of those but she was willing to go through more if it meant achieving her goals.

But to achieve them in the first place, she needed to know everything or at least a lot of things in order to be one step ahead of everybody else. What better place to do countless amounts of research on a single word than in the Hogwarts library where she knew that she could both finish the books in the normal section before starting on the restricted section which she hoped Madam Pince would let her in. If not, she'd find a way.

Going from Dumbledore's office to the Library was quite a walk and she hoped she wouldn't run into anyone she knew along the way because then they'd ask questions and since the bell had rung a couple of seconds ago, it was a bigger risk. She suspected that she wouldn't though because James and Sirius had been talking about the Quidditch Team get together for days, excited to go over their win and to talk to the seventh-year players about their N.E.W.Ts and how the team will miss them.

Peter said something about Professor Sprout wanting to talk to him after school about the answers he had put down on his Herbology theory test but he wasn't that worried because he knew that his answers would be controversial since he used a different way to how they had been taught. He had been happy though because he knew it worked; Herbology was definitely his best subject and he knew it too, which made him happy. It was always nice when they had Herbology after Defence because after Yaxley's endless bullying, he can get his deserved praise from Sprout.

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