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- Chapter Forty-Seven -
"Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Sirius Black expected to wake up just how he went to sleep, curtains around his bed closed, hair tied up behind his head to keep it out of his face when he's sleeping, shirt off and sweatpants on

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Sirius Black expected to wake up just how he went to sleep, curtains around his bed closed, hair tied up behind his head to keep it out of his face when he's sleeping, shirt off and sweatpants on. He expected to be spread haphazardly across his bed since he moved around a lot in his sleep. He was waiting for one of his friends to wake him up because he always blocked the sun out with closing his curtains. He expected his normal morning.

That's not what he got.

The tantalizing rays of the March sun shone through the windows of the sixth-year boys Gryffindor dorm room. Birds, such as Robins or Hummingbirds, occasionally flew past the window, their wings flexed out wide to their sides as they glided freely across the sky. Sirius longed to stop the sun from shining right into his face and instead stuff his face back inside his pillow, ready to fall freely back into a long sleep. He lifted an arm up lazily in the direction of the window, groaning as the sunlight pierced his grey eyes.

It was then that he realised he was sleeping normally instead of being sprawled across the crimson bed covers. It was also then that he realised his curtains were pulled open when he swore that he shut them last night. His body froze, he half expected for there to be some sort of murdered at the bottom of his bed, holding a knife and ready to murder him, but the other half knew that that was irrational especially since Hogwarts is one of the safest places in the wizarding world.

His eyes opened, slow with anticipation as he turned his head at the same speed. What he saw was not was he had been expecting. He truthfully didn't actually know what to think of it, of course there was no knife murderer but what lay before him might be argued as an equivalent.

Everything was covered with glitter.

An assortment of small, reflective particles that came in a variety of shapes and colours reflected light at different angles around the room, causing the surface to sparkle and shimmer. It was all over the place, on the floor and piled up to the bottom of the beds so it didn't actually go on their covers but the boys would have to wade their way through them. It sat on top of the desk, though their homework books seemed to be placed carefully on top of the glitter so they didn't get ruined.

Everything was just so sparkly.

"Little minx." Sirius narrowed his eyes at his surroundings, the bright shine was almost nauseating. He knew exactly who had done this, considering it was the exact same prank that they had been the most angry about and the books had been saved from the travesty, making it considerably easy to figure out who had filled their dorm with glitter.

Elladora Hargreaves. Sirius scoffed to himself in amusement with a smile on his face as he pursed his lips and looked around at the mess. He was impressed to say the least, it seemed that none of the other boys were even awake yet so she wouldn't have been seen by any of them at all. He always knew that she was too stealthy for her own good but he never thought that she would use it against him.

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